Visage of Terror (Nerf It)


Well-known member
People always talk about what an ability does and never mention the tradeoffs. Taking Visage is a net loss of DPS in boss fights. It's a trash killer with a really cool lore aspect. Serious character builders will tell you who cares how you kill trash, every good build can kill trash. There is nothing OP about Visage. Going 40 to get Visage means you are making a tradeoff, and your DPS is going to be lower in both boss fights and when you are on timer. That's good game design. The goal should be to give other classes abilities like Visage instead of taking away one of the abilities that actually feels like you are a powerful character.


Well-known member
I'd wager almost no endgame players go for this capstone. And even then, it should only be up to like... I don't know. 45 second cooldown. I tested it for one reaper 10 cycle and decided it wasn't worth the oppourtunity cost for me >.>

Problem with going 41 pts in ravager is that barbs have no trance or haste. Dragon Lords do. Going 41 pts ravager on barb means making BAD tradeoffs, especially on non-"tanks". Doing it on Dragon Lord still means making bad tradeoffs, but not AS bad.

Ravager needs help at higher point investments. If that help comes at the cost of making the CD of the capstone a bit higher, sure, I'll take it.


Scourge of Xaos
Let's be real here. Visage of Terror for a Fighter Dragonloard is way OVERPOWERED. On R10 even with minimal past lives and just a decent intimidate you can mass OK large mobs. This ability really needs to be nerfed to preferably a single target or 3 at MAX. When a fighter's ability can mass kill via a spell better than any caster there is a problem with realistic fantasy.

Additionally, the animation of using the PK tentacles needs to be changed to somethin that is a bit more apprpropriate that would come from a fighter class.
It's only overpowered because it was balanced by limited uses per rest and that was removed.


Well-known member
To me it sounds a bit odd that a melee has an ability that is more or less the same as Wail of the Banshee. Maybe limit it a bit or make a completely new thing that is more DPS appropriate.
Actually wail works on a lot more targets then visage does.
Spiders, fire beetles etc are all immune, including all other fear immune mobs and champs.


Well-known member
Please don´t nerf it. I like it on my barbarian and having it based on intimidate is quite fitting in my opinion. And as stated, plenty of mobs are immune, so I don´t see it as overpowered.


Well-known member
To me it sounds a bit odd that a melee has an ability that is more or less the same as Wail of the Banshee. Maybe limit it a bit or make a completely new thing that is more DPS appropriate.
Would you feel better if it did a million damage instead of killing things outright? Would that feel more "DPS appropriate"?


Well-known member
If trash doesn't matter then why do people regularly come to the forums to whine about IK casters?

I'm not sure if Visage (and Roar in particular) are game breaking, but they do highlight how much more investment it takes to build comparable DCs on a caster, and then they end up with much less in terms of DPS.

Perhaps casters should also have some long CD spells with +15 DC that usually works regardless of content? The Power Words were originally intended as such but are super outdated in terms of effect.

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?


Scourge of Xaos
You can kill 6 mobs every 30 seconds and have to lock down an entirely meh enhancement tree to do it. You can kill 30 more mobs while it's on cool down, but those 6 kills make it op? Damn you people are whiny.
Nah they just jealous of things they don't understand.

Why work to get two goats when you can just wish your neighbour's goat die instead
If trash doesn't matter then why do people regularly come to the forums to whine about IK casters?

I'm not sure if Visage (and Roar in particular) are game breaking, but they do highlight how much more investment it takes to build comparable DCs on a caster, and then they end up with much less in terms of DPS.

Perhaps casters should also have some long CD spells with +15 DC that usually works regardless of content? The Power Words were originally intended as such but are super outdated in terms of effect.
Because people are dumb. That's what they are most famous for!

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
You can’t multi with Visage, you must go all in on DLord which isn’t anywhere ideal.

A proper multi built DLord (with Paladin and monk or bard etc.) will have like 10x the DPS and out-kill any visage user by miles.

What you’re impressed by is the cosmetic visuals of 6 mobs all dying at once. In the end it’s just for show and is far inferior to other builds that don’t use visage.


Well-known member
Man, I gotta start doing the new OP thing right away, before people pile on it asking for nerfs (So that SSG can make the next new thing OP to push sales, until people start whining to nerf that.)

This is 100% the situation in play.