Let's be real here. Visage of Terror for a Fighter Dragonloard is way OVERPOWERED. On R10 even with minimal past lives and just a decent intimidate you can mass OK large mobs. This ability really needs to be nerfed to preferably a single target or 3 at MAX. When a fighter's ability can mass kill via a spell better than any caster there is a problem with realistic fantasy.
Additionally, the animation of using the PK tentacles needs to be changed to somethin that is a bit more apprpropriate that would come from a fighter class.
Sure. Let's nerf that.
Once that's nerfed, let's nerf melee attack speed because that *might* be causing lag.
Let's put all instakills on the nerf list while we're at it. It's not fair that a caster can kill an R10 mob with a single button when everyone else has to sit and beat on one to kill it.
Then, we should nerf ranged DPS damage by 50% because they stole your lunch money.
Might as well go ahead and nerf sorcerers, alechmists and druid's spell DPS by 30%, too. It's not fair that they can out dps Warlocks, empty-hand melee clerics, and light hammer melee FvS.
Back around we go and next on the chopping block is Unbridled Fury and Adrenaline. Can't have those dirty melee having fun seeing big numbers.
TWF needs to be reduced to a single hit because... reasons.
Once we've ruined TWFs, let's move on to healers. Nobody should be able to spam heals on other players non-stop. Nerf that stuff in particular.
Last, but not least, tanks. It's OP that tanks can take more than 1 or 2 hits in R10 without dying. Let's cut their HPs, AC, and PRR/MRR in half.
Now that we've
balanced ruined the game and reduced every class to uselessness and boredom, the game will be great!... if only there were enough players left to group with...
I guess it's time for this again: