Visage of Terror (Nerf It)


Active member
Let's be real here. Visage of Terror for a Fighter Dragonloard is way OVERPOWERED. On R10 even with minimal past lives and just a decent intimidate you can mass OK large mobs. This ability really needs to be nerfed to preferably a single target or 3 at MAX. When a fighter's ability can mass kill via a spell better than any caster there is a problem with realistic fantasy.

Additionally, the animation of using the PK tentacles needs to be changed to somethin that is a bit more apprpropriate that would come from a fighter class.
No! Focus on your own build/playstyle and stop whining about what other classes and players use/have. Play your game and stop worrying about what’s happening in someone else’s backyard.
Stop calling for nerfs!!!

The Nameless One

What can change the nature of a man ?
Strongly recommend not nerfing anything. This game cannot take anymore nerfs without players leaving.

Instead of a negative, add more positives, stronger alternatives as we head into the legendary levels.

Get creative with the monster design. I want to be able to say on my LFMs, “need an Undead Hunter that can turn a Demi-Lich or above…” (mandatory for that monster & quest) or “need bludgeoner’s only with pushback, blunt ranged can also work.”

Instead, now it’s just…



Well-known member
This a joke or what? You have to go pure dl fighter to get it. You a nerfing your dps greatly doing so. I hate to tell the op but kill list does not equal dps.
A dl pally mix , or bard dl mix even a dl bear mix will badly out dps a pure dl. Let ppl have there fun there are much bigger fish to fry than a trash clean up button.


kinda-known member
This a joke or what? You have to go pure dl fighter to get it. You a nerfing your dps greatly doing so. I hate to tell the op but kill list does not equal dps.
A dl pally mix , or bard dl mix even a dl bear mix will badly out dps a pure dl. Let ppl have there fun there are much bigger fish to fry than a trash clean up button.
but how else do you measure epeen but by kill count?


Well-known member
Oh my goodness ppl. This doesn't need a nerf. If you take a second and really sit down with a build. You see there ar no point is a pure dl top dps build. it's a fun and very solo player friendly. But you give up way too much for a aoe insta kill. Move along already.


Active member
I know the character referenced in the OP, he has all class lives and is roughly half done with his racials, is very well geared, and has invested in and geared to pump his intim. I've been running Barbarian for past lives recently and sometimes play with Ravager while still using my same gearset and notice a significant difference between his results and mine (of course).

Visage of Terror is not a spell, it's nothing more than them scaring the enemy to death. I'm not sure why a Barbarian or Dragon Lord can't be scary but a Wizard or Sorcerer can?

I'm also not sure what the actual problem is. Do we not want Ravagers killing too quickly? How quickly is too quickly?

Or is it that they're killing with blue-tentacle-pixels instead of sword-swing-pixels? If that's the case, maybe just changing the animation solves the problem?


Well-known member
Or is it that they're killing with blue-tentacle-pixels instead of sword-swing-pixels? If that's the case, maybe just changing the animation solves the problem?
No, it's that their barb has bigger killcount than whatever OP plays, we can't have that.


Well-known member
Let's be real here. Visage of Terror for a Fighter Dragonloard is way OVERPOWERED. On R10 even with minimal past lives and just a decent intimidate you can mass OK large mobs. This ability really needs to be nerfed to preferably a single target or 3 at MAX. When a fighter's ability can mass kill via a spell better than any caster there is a problem with realistic fantasy.

Additionally, the animation of using the PK tentacles needs to be changed to somethin that is a bit more apprpropriate that would come from a fighter class.
Sure. Let's nerf that.

Once that's nerfed, let's nerf melee attack speed because that *might* be causing lag.

Let's put all instakills on the nerf list while we're at it. It's not fair that a caster can kill an R10 mob with a single button when everyone else has to sit and beat on one to kill it.

Then, we should nerf ranged DPS damage by 50% because they stole your lunch money.

Might as well go ahead and nerf sorcerers, alechmists and druid's spell DPS by 30%, too. It's not fair that they can out dps Warlocks, empty-hand melee clerics, and light hammer melee FvS.

Back around we go and next on the chopping block is Unbridled Fury and Adrenaline. Can't have those dirty melee having fun seeing big numbers.

TWF needs to be reduced to a single hit because... reasons.

Once we've ruined TWFs, let's move on to healers. Nobody should be able to spam heals on other players non-stop. Nerf that stuff in particular.

Last, but not least, tanks. It's OP that tanks can take more than 1 or 2 hits in R10 without dying. Let's cut their HPs, AC, and PRR/MRR in half.

Now that we've balanced ruined the game and reduced every class to uselessness and boredom, the game will be great!... if only there were enough players left to group with...


I guess it's time for this again:
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Well-known member
Sure. Let's nerf that.

Once that's nerfed, let's nerf melee attack speed because that *might* be causing lag.

Let's put all instakills on the nerf list while we're at it. It's not fair that a caster can kill an R10 mob with a single button when everyone else has to sit and beat on one to kill it.

Then, we should nerf ranged DPS damage by 50% because they stole your lunch money.

Might as well go ahead and nerf sorcerers, alechmists and druid's spell DPS by 30%, too. It's not fair that they can out dps Warlocks, empty-hand melee clerics, and light hammer melee FvS.

Back around we go and next on the chopping block is Unbridled Fury and Adrenaline. Can't have those dirty melee having fun seeing big numbers.

TWF needs to be reduced to a single hit because... reasons.

Once we've ruined TWFs, let's move on to healers. Nobody should be able to spam heals on other players non-stop. Nerf that stuff in particular.

Last, but not least, tanks. It's OP that tanks can take more than 1 or 2 hits in R10 without dying. Let's cut their HPs, AC, and PRR/MRR in half.

Now that we've balanced ruined the game and reduced every class to uselessness and boredom, the game will be great!... if only there were enough players left to group with...

The interesting thing is, that is a perfect path to making Warlocks look reasonably good again because it would do to everyone else what has been done to them. And yet, I still wouldn't want it. What so many people seem to fail to realize is that we all benefit when our other party members are stronger. The weaker my class is, the more important it is that other players are not as weak so they can make up for the nerfs I have already had. This is the problem with the endlessly whiny players that constantly compare themselves to others (and yes, I am talking to you, melees, because you are the worst and loudest when it comes to the constant complaining). The option is always there to solo when you don't want other people "stealing your kills." We group so other people can do the work. If you want to kill everything yourself you don't need, or apparently even want, a party.


Savage's Husband
The interesting thing is, that is a perfect path to making Warlocks look reasonably good again because it would do to everyone else what has been done to them. And yet, I still wouldn't want it. What so many people seem to fail to realize is that we all benefit when our other party members are stronger. The weaker my class is, the more important it is that other players are not as weak so they can make up for the nerfs I have already had. This is the problem with the endlessly whiny players that constantly compare themselves to others (and yes, I am talking to you, melees, because you are the worst and loudest when it comes to the constant complaining). The option is always there to solo when you don't want other people "stealing your kills." We group so other people can do the work. If you want to kill everything yourself you don't need, or apparently even want, a party.
Not entirely true, some want an audience to witness their thor-like prowess.


Well-known member
The interesting thing is, that is a perfect path to making Warlocks look reasonably good again because it would do to everyone else what has been done to them. And yet, I still wouldn't want it. What so many people seem to fail to realize is that we all benefit when our other party members are stronger. The weaker my class is, the more important it is that other players are not as weak so they can make up for the nerfs I have already had. This is the problem with the endlessly whiny players that constantly compare themselves to others (and yes, I am talking to you, melees, because you are the worst and loudest when it comes to the constant complaining). The option is always there to solo when you don't want other people "stealing your kills." We group so other people can do the work. If you want to kill everything yourself you don't need, or apparently even want, a party.
Well, first off, my post was sarcasm (which I hope was obvious). Secondly, I disagree.

If that did happen, it wouldn't make warlocks any better than they are now. It would just bring everything else down to warlocks' level of excessive mediocrity.

Increasing the amount of boring options and mediocrity in a game is generally not considered a recipe for success given that games are supposed to be entertaining and fun.


Well-known member
Well, first off, my post was sarcasm (which I hope was obvious). Secondly, I disagree.

If that did happen, it wouldn't make warlocks any better than they are now. It would just bring everything else down to warlocks' level of excessive mediocrity.

Increasing the amount of boring options and mediocrity in a game is generally not considered a recipe for success given that games are supposed to be entertaining and fun.
Yes, it was obviously sarcasm and I wasn't really trying to express support for it. From my very first life in this game many, many years ago I have always been thrilled to have excessively overpowered players in my group. They made it possible to compete the hardest content on elite when it wouldn't have been possible without them.

The actual problem, as is a problem in so many areas of life, is the number of people inflicted with the serious metal disorder called competition. They cannot help but compare themselves to others and feel inadequate when they are not the best. I don't know if it is participation trophy syndrome or what, but part of childhood should be learning that you are not the best at anything and you should always expect there to be people that are better than you.

If that sorc is killing everything before you can reach it, good, you can break barrels or afk to make some dinner. I love quest vacations. I also switch my performance to the needs of the group. If everything is effortless dying I don't even bother to cast spells. There is no point pushing my character to the limit if it isn't needed. We don't need to perform at our best at all times even when it isn't needed. No one does that in the real world and it isn't necessary in a video game either.