I figure I'd weigh in and throw my own rebalanced version of Shadowdancer into the ring. Unlike some of you all; I'm willing to play within the current vision rather than pining for the rose tinted glasses of old Shadowdancer. (Even though I miss it.) My general goal/thought process was to keep what's in the destiny currently, expand upon it, and encompass the classes/playstyles that touch Shadowdancer ideally. Oh and most importantly, to change Weird to be like Mass Frog. Because seriously, why can't non-casters make use of this ability but a fighter can take mass frog?
Core 1
(level 20):
Shadow Training: You gain the Magical Training feat if you didn't have it already. Each core ability including this one grants +5 Melee Power and +4 Ranged Power, +1 Sneak Attack Dice, 50 Spell Points, +1 Epic DC, 5 Force Spell Power and 5 Universal Spell Power.
Core 3 (level 23):
Step Through Shadow: Dimension Door SLA. Cooldown of 2 minutes.
You also gain the ability to tumble through enemies.
Core 6 (level 26):
The Darkest Luck: You have Evasion, normal Evasion rules apply. If you have Evasion already, you gain Improved Evasion. If you have Improved Evasion already, you no longer fail Reflex Saves automatically by rolling a 1.
Core 12 (level 32):
Cut to the Soul: +3% dodge bypass, +3% fortification bypass, +3% damage versus the helpless. When you cast the spell
Trap the Soul, it automatically applies 3 stacks of the Darkness debuff even if the enemy survives the spell.
This effect also applies on a vorpal attack. Darkness debuff: You are vulnerable to Sneak Attacks. -3 Spell Resistance, -3 PRR and -3 MRR per stack. Lasts 12 seconds, stacks drop 1 at a time. Max 3 stacks
and if you have Bring the Darkness this increases to a max of 5 stacks.
Tier 1 (req level 20):
- Stealthy: +1/2/3 Reflex Saves, +1/2/3 bonus to sneak attack damage, +2/4/6 Hide and Move Silently. Rank 3: Gain the Hide in Plain Sight feat.
- Cover of Darkness: +10/20/30% less threat from all sources. Rank 3: Gain a permanent benefit of Nightshield.
- Well of Darkness: +30/60/100 Spell Points and +1/2/3 to Fear based DCs. Rank 3: +5 Force/Universal Spell Power
- Assassinate: +2/4/6 to your Assassinate DCs.
- Technician: +2/4/6 to Search, Spot, Disable Device, Open Lock. Rank 3: If you have the Nimble Fingers feat, +1 Sneak Attack dice.
Tier 2 (req level 20):
- Sleight of Hand: +2/4/6 UMD. +25/50/75% damage and healing of your wands, scrolls and other items that cast spells. Adds +1/2/3 to the save DC's of your offensive wands and +1/2/3 to Trap DCs. Note: This does not stack with Wand and Scroll Mastery.
- Dance in the Dark: +1/2/3 Sneak Attack Dice and +1/2/3 dodge and dodge cap.
- Shadowform: Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle. Grants +10% Action bonus to movement speed, 25% Insight bonus to Sneak Speed, 25% Insight bonus to Cast Run Speed, and grants ghost touch on all attacks.
- Lithe: +2/4/6 reflex saves, AC and light armor Max Dex Bonus, Rank 3: +5 Force/Universal Spellpower.
- Multiselector: (Epic Strike)
- Nightmare Lance (spell): Epic Strike: Illusion Spell, deals 1d6+6 Force damage per caster level. Enemies must make a Will save vs (20 + highest ability score + illusion bonuses + fear bonuses) or be cursed with Shadow Loss. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
- Shadowstrike (melee): Epic Strike: +5[W], +3 Critical Threat Range and Critical Damage Multiplier. Enemy must make a Fortitude save vs (20 + highest ability score + assassinate) or be cursed with Shadow Loss. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
- Shadowstrike (ranged): Epic Strike: +5[W], +3 Critical Threat Range and Critical Damage Multiplier. Enemy must make a Fortitude save vs (20 + highest ability score + assassinate) or be cursed with Shadow Loss. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Tier 3 (req level 23):
- Grim Precision: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration, and you bypass 5/10/15% enemy Fortification.
- Shadowcaster: Multiselector:
- Shadowcaster: -10% Spell Cooldowns. Your spells have a 5% chance to blind monsters with no save for 5 seconds. Immunity to Energy Drain.
- Shadowstriker: +5% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. Your critical hits blind monsters with no save for 5 seconds. Immunity to Energy Drain.
- Depths of Darkness: While in your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle, you gain 25% Incorporeality, 25% Concealment and 5% dodge and dodge cap.
- Shadowdancer Spell Focus: Multiselector:
- +1/2/3 Abjuration DCs
- +1/2/3 Enchantment DCs
- +1/2/3 Illusion DCs
- +1/2/3 Necromancy DCs
- +1/2/3 Imbuement Dice
- Epic Strike Upgrade: Dark Imbuement: Your Epic Strike now imbues your weapons with Evil energies for 10s: You deal 1d6 per Sneak Attack Dice in Untyped damage on hit (scaling with Melee or Ranged Power, or Force Spell Power if its higher.)
Tier 4 (req level 26):
- Pierce the Gloom: +2/4/6 Accuracy, to-hit with Sneak Attacks, to-hit while flanking. Rank 3: You gain immunity to Silence, Quell, and Blindness.
- From the Shadows: You dissolve into shadows before appearing some distance in front of you. This grants you the buffs from your Shadowdancer Epic Strike if you have them trained. Cooldown: 20 seconds. (No longer requires stealth to use.)
- Dark Mercy: Your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle now grants you +5/10/15% Helplessness damage and 3d2/3d4/3d6 vampirism on hit.
- Bring Darkness: When you roll a natural 20 on a melee or ranged attack, you envelop the target in shadow, applying the Darkness debuff. If you have the feat First Blood, the trigger of First Blood now also applies the Darkness debuff, and First Blood now triggers on Harmful Spellcasts. First Blood no longer has an HP requirement to take effect. Darkness: The target is no longer immune to Sneak Attacks. -3 Spell Resistance, -3 Physical Resistance Rating and -3 Magical Resistance Rating per stack. Lasts 12 seconds, stacks drop 1 at a time. Max 3 stacks.
- Epic Strike Upgrade II: Multiselector:
- Reaching Imbuement: Dark Imbuement now increases your melee range.
- Shadowed Imbuement: Dark Imbuement now grants 10% doubleshot.
- Paranoid Imbuement: Dark Imbuement now reduces the cost of all of your Metamagics by 1 Spell Point each
Tier 5 (req level 30):
- Weird: A targeted foe and all nearby enemies are subject to a Phantasmal Killer effect, with a DC20 + highest of INT/WIS/CHA mod + Assassination bonuses + Illusion spell bonuses to prevent the death. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
- Just a Taste: +1 multiplier on an attack roll of 19-20 with bows, thrown weapons, crossbows, quarterstaves, and finessable melee weapons. This bonus doubles if you are using a Shadowblade or Elemental Blade (Conjured Shadowblades, Flameblades, Thornblades and the Dryad and the Demigod Raid Weapons.)
- Greater Shadowform: You also gain +10 Force/Universal Spell Power. While in your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle, you float as if you had Feather Fall, gain +20 Hide and Move Silently, and no longer trigger pressure plate or bear traps. (Note: As a result of the floating, you are also immune to Trip and Knockdown effects.)
- Greater Shadowdancer Spell Focus: +1/2/3 Spell DCs
- Meld Into Darkness: Epic Moment: Dissolve into a whorl of shadow, leaving your corporeal form behind. While in this form, you are considered Sneaking and Invisible regardless of what you do. You also gain 3d6 Sneak Attack Dice, 50% Uncapped Dodge, as well as the effects your Epic Strike as if they had been fully trained and upgraded. Duration: 15 seconds. Cooldown: 2 minutes.
So, I've got a bit of feedback for your reply. I don't dislike it, though I feel it's incredibly lacking in terms of how aggressive of a change it 'should' be. It doesn't really address the harsh lack of usefulness in T4/T5 abilities, though it does get us part way there with the change to Weird.
First, before I get into the specific changes you mentioned.. I want to say that at an absolute minimum Shadowdancer should become Invisible while sneaking with no movement speed reduction at all (so long as they have maxed out one of the heroic movement speed while sneaking enhancements. It's really one of the best places to do it, and I'm cool with it being a part of the Destiny Mantle.
Would also really like to see Shadowdancers either have a 50% Concealment somewhere in their Destiny Mantle, or have some method of easily obtaining Displacement outside of being a caster or a Shadar-Kai. Since damage avoidance is such a critical need for Assassins and Skirmisher style characters.
Now, for your specific ability feedback.
Step Through Shadow: I do like adding in tumble through enemies back into the tree, though I think it makes more sense to add it to the Destiny Mantle. Possibly have that be a requirement for the ability here? If they could add the ability to cast two different SLA's, would be interesting to also add Shadow Walk here as well. That would be some fun flavor.
Cut to the Soul: Having this happen on Vorpal as well won't do much when Bring Darkness already does the same thing. Would be interesting to have something else fun and useful here as well, or to put in an update to Bring Darkness so it has another fun and useful ability.
Stealthy: I like the idea of a bonus to Sneak Attack damage here, but 1/2/3 damage and not dice feels a bit weak. I think it would make a lot more sense to combine something else into this, like Assassinate. Or to increase sneaking movement speed here as well and to have it stack with the enhancement bonus given in Heroics. Would be really nice to see a 25/50/75% Insight Bonus to Sneaking Speed while you're in your Destiny Mantle here. That way, it could be removed from the Destiny Mantle itself, potentially making room for some other bonuses.
Well of Darkness: I don't hate having a fear based DC bonus here, though it really does feel kind of redundant for a non-caster based Shadowdancer. And I dislike the idea of having nodes on the epic destiny that are useless to an entire segment of the intended playerbase.
Sleight of Hand: I don't hate the idea of having bonus to trap DCs, that's an interesting flair on it. Though it's still really annoying that this doesn't stack with Heroic bonuses to Wand Damage and Healing. Especially since you're not finding things like Wand of Heal laying around.
Dance in the Dark: I really like the idea of adding a Dodge/Dodge Cap bonus here. It fits really well, though it may be a bit low especially with your removal of the meld bonuses from the Epic Strike Upgrade. Possibly have the bonuses double or triple when you're in your Destiny Mantle? Maybe have it start as Double, and then upgrade it further with Greater Shadowform?
Shadowform: I think Shadowform is where Shadowdancer needs the most love. Action Boost to Movement Speed isn't terrible, but it might be better to be another bonus such as Insight. That way you can still stack additional movement speed from Action Boosts. Either that, or have the Action Boost bonus be 15-20%.
Shadowcaster/Shadowstriker: I really like this change here, it seems really good to me and I'd definitely enjoy playing it. It might make sense to either put a save on it though, or have it only work on a particular target once every 30-60 seconds. Personally, I'd prefer the save. Especially if it was our standard Assassinate saves.
Shadowdancer Spell Focus: I really like the concept of adding Imbue Dice here. That revamps that node and makes it useful to non-casters as well. Cheers there.
Epic Strike Upgrade: I like the idea of having a single upgrade path here. It really hurts to have to choose between damage and dodge on a character that is already hurting for both. One thing to keep in mind though, is that with the loss of Meld here we'll need to make up the dodge elsewhere. Either through the Destiny Mantle or through something like the Dance in the Dark change I mentioned above. Additionally, you'll probably want to reword this so it works on both weapons and on harmful spell casts.
Pierce the Gloom: Solid change here, can't really argue with it at all. It would be nice to no longer fail on a 1 for attacks as well. Or to have some other boost here.
From the Shadows: Great change, no notes. One of the biggest issues that I've had with this ability is its reliance on sneaking. Getting rid of that already makes it loads better.
Dark Mercy: Completely agree with adding Vampirism here. I'd possibly also add something like Feeding so we get Temporary Hitpoints and some self restore at the same time. Especially since Vampirism tends to fall off pretty heavily in reaper content. The changes to healing made it viable to self heal in reaper while out of combat, but Vampirism by definition requires combat.
Bring Darkness: I like the idea of removing the First Blood health requirement. That is a significant upgrade to this enhancement. One thing I'd love to see as a change here though is to change it from a Natural 20 to a Critical Hit. Applying Darkness should be a regular thing that we do, and not a rarity of 5% chance on the dice.
Epic Strike Upgrade II: I like the idea here of making a solid Melee, Range, and Caster option here. One thing I'm concerned about though is whether or not 10% Doublestrike is something that offers the same value to a Range character as the other options for Melee and Caster. If it is still valuable, then great!
Weird: I've been saying for a while that this needs to be a SLA for everybody and not just for casters. I think this is a great change. Though casters may be quite upset with it having such a long cooldown.
Just a Taste: I like the tweak you did to have shadowblades get double the bonus. It's pretty thematic and may make Shadowblades actually viable in late game play. One thing I think is worth adding here are weapons that are enchanted with the Shadowblade Property and not just the ones summoned by the spell. Since it'd be nice to see that utility be added!
Greater Shadowform: I know this is one that you didn't mention a change to.. But for a final tier of Shadowdancer's Destiny Mantle, it's always felt just.. Underwhelming to me. I really think it could use something here in addition to its current effects!
Greater Shadowdancer Spell Focus: I know this isn't one that you changed, however with the change to the initial one I think it would be nice to have a multiselector option raising either Spell DC's or Imbue Dice here as well. Possibly even adding additional Temp Hitpoint Procs here instead of Imbue Dice, for the Melee/Ranged Shadowdancers.
Meld into Darkness: Right now, this is a bit of a letdown. The 50% Dodge is nice, however it likely wouldn't stack with Uncanny Dodge. Currently, this adds 50% Incorporeality which allows people to get up to 75% Incorporeality. That plus Uncanny Dodge make for a pretty solid defensive moment. Dropping the duration on this moment is also pretty rough, since you're going from 20 to 15 seconds. The main reason I have an issue with the duration change is because of the cooldown of 5 minutes. I saw that you reduced the cooldown to 2 minutes, but I believe the devs wanted to keep every epic moment a once per 5 minute thing. This is probably the only real change where I have some extreme issues with what you did. Would like to see it keep the 50% Incorporeality, and to see it gain in duration up to 30 seconds at the minimum. With the changes that you made to the Epic Strike Upgrade multiselector, the second bit of this epic moment is a lot less valuable than before. My preference here would be: Increase the Duration to 30 seconds, keep the bonus as Incorporeality instead of Dodge, and during the 30 second duration every 5-6 seconds or so, have it cast a Weird effect with the save you had listed above on it.