Recent content by Boondocks Mike

  1. Boondocks Mike

    U62 Preview 2 Balance Refresh

    I think it would be really cool if the Kensei capstone was adjusted to be competitive with other capstones, or at least not be so easily waste-able. It's very easy to achieve near 100% Double Strike without any class features, and Alacrity can easily waste 10%+ of the Double Strike which is...
  2. Boondocks Mike

    U62 Preview 2 Balance Refresh

    I would really love if the Weapon Focus/Spec. feats granted unique bonuses to MP/RP and were +3/4 instead of +2 (whatever would compensate for not being stackable, although I don't think this needs to be a perfectly power neutral change to be a good change). Stacking the same feat repeatedly for...
  3. Boondocks Mike

    U62 Preview 2 Active Attacks Rebalance

    Going to reiterate that I think adjusting attacks with 15-20 sec CDs down to the 6-12 range is something that should absolutely be done and a priority. Also there was obviously some thought given to the Cleave feats, but not Improved Sunder which I definitely think warrants both a shorter CD...
  4. Boondocks Mike

    U62 Preview 2 Active Attacks Rebalance

    It's interesting to see this, I think there is a LOT missing from the current considerations. Are you going to ignore the existence of attacks like Deadly Strike and A Good Death? Perhaps simply adding a +[W] equivalent scaling to them would be the easiest fix to that particular issue. I also...
  5. Boondocks Mike

    Please provide some more baseline power for new toons, catch up mechanic.

    If the point of this game is to blitz to the "end" and complete content at that point this game is objectively bad and has been dead and trash for a long time, perhaps always. Say what you will about WoW, but its endgame raiding experience puts this game to shame in spectacular fashion and is...
  6. Boondocks Mike

    Please provide some more baseline power for new toons, catch up mechanic.

    The gap in power between ancient and new players is extreme and it is a problem. I do not think artificially inflating new player power is actually a solution as it completely undermines how the game works.
  7. Boondocks Mike

    All players should be able to open elite

    Anyone can open elite currently. I do think new player retention should be one of the paramount concerns of the devs and the community but I don't think pushing them towards elite is useful or desirable. Without having done any research on this my assumption is that there is easily enough XP...
  8. Boondocks Mike

    Sword and Board Universal Tree or ED Tree ?

    Spears and other polearms are not only for cavalry. Hoplite phalanxes used spears and shields against other hoplite phalanxes. Housecarls used "dane" axes to bodyguard kings/nobles. Poleaxes were used by late medieval knights and men-at-arms as versatile battlefield weapons with anti-armor...
  9. Boondocks Mike

    Reaper culture

    Skill in this game is measured from 0-156 (or 183 or whatever the ******* number is). By posting a blank LFM (my assumption based on the lack of detail regarding your LFM formatting) you are opening yourself to 1) people who don't know better and 2) people who are explicitly looking to benefit...
  10. Boondocks Mike

    Sword and Board Universal Tree or ED Tree ?

    I definitely agree with Fighter generally the "soldier" class. Historically across the world the primary weapon of soldiers through the medieval era was polearms and specifically the spear. Individuals who could afford swords used shields until (but also sometimes after) the advent of plate...
  11. Boondocks Mike

    Sword and Board Universal Tree or ED Tree ?

    Fighter already has Opportunity Attack. I don't think it needs another buff to micro manage. I don't think it's stylistically appropriate for Fighter either, you want to lobby for it in a Barb tree then I will at least support the place where you're pushing the idea. I think most people are not...
  12. Boondocks Mike

    Sword and Board Universal Tree or ED Tree ?

    I mostly agree. Historically two-handed weapons were either only used in formations or after the advent of extremely sophisticated armor technology which made the shield redundant (but not entirely pointless) allowing for different styles of weapon to be more sensible to use. I also think the...
  13. Boondocks Mike

    Sword and Board Universal Tree or ED Tree ?

    Blitz isn't ever going to come back nor should it. Unhealthy for game design, unhealthy for gameplay, not fun. Apparently Momentum Swing and Law Waste were deleted because of causing lag. Hard to say what exactly about them was causing the lag but my guess is the CD reset which was pretty buggy...
  14. Boondocks Mike

    Sword and Board Universal Tree or ED Tree ?

    Honestly they should just make a universal enhancement tree for every fighting style, perhaps with special enhancement lines for weaker weapons in them. Be about the same as VKF except less wasted points for most builds.
  15. Boondocks Mike

    Initiation round bonus (inspired by U60 discussion)

    You need a microscope to see this carrot.