Recent content by Dom

  1. D

    Lava Divers Presents - First Life Raid Push Challenge

    Thank you
  2. D

    Isle of dread constantly crashes.

    Best solution for me is turning the master volume to 0 whenever I am going to dread or any quests that have raptors in them. It sucks, but alas...
  3. D

    6-man R7 Killing Time

  4. D

    So.. Hearts Via (BtA) Tokens are...

    Explains so much.
  5. D

    Thought Exercise: Player Kills

    I thought you didn't raid? That was short lived.
  6. D

    Build help with EDs

    If you want to keep the unquenchable rage, I would recommend something like T5 LD, T4 Fury to grab your unquenchable rage and other bonuses and the remaining points could go into GMoF for extra dstrike in tier 2.
  7. D

    I need 300 shards...

    I'll give you $300 to enter yourself into a psych ward.
  8. D

    Greater Tome of Epic Learning not in the store?

    Literally just opened the store and its the first thing that shows up. And yes, the character I'm on already has this tome applied, so its not a case of something not showing up because you already have that bonus.
  9. D

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    Players still playing DDO doesn't mean they're subbed VIPs. You completely misread what was said in Guntango's post. Him saying "we lost those people" is referring to those player's subscriptions, not to whether or not they're going to play DDO after this.
  10. D

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    You think they have done research? Their original suggestion included a month reward of additional fletching (just as one example) ... and that got changed to 10% reduction in item wear chance ... come on now.
  11. D

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    There are 31 pages in this thread alone... and I'd guess at least half of them are people either saying the VIP "incentive" sucks and/or they are not going to be VIP going forward. There are likely also other threads that include people not wanting to re-sub to VIP, and just from people I...
  12. D

    Poll: Will Dragon Lord get nerfed?

    Seeing your own teaching raid forum posts is not equivalent to seeing teaching raids in the game ... and don't try and use Voodu as an example, he's been teaching raids long before your posts.
  13. D


    How can he teach raids when he's creating polls on the forums?
  14. D

    Poll: Will Dragon Lord get nerfed?

    but but but... he soloed R8 with it! (lul, R8). Still waiting for that video. Maybe if he took the time to watch a quick youtube video rather than posting non-sense polls for chat xp, he'd be able to provide a video.
  15. D

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    And why do you think they shrunk? Has it crossed your mind that it could have something to do with their inability to jump on opportunities to generate revenue, including this VIP loyalty rewards opportunity that they screwed over? One of their main streamers, someone who often gets new...