Recent content by Ekk (used to be Pranas)

  1. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    I liked it but was not wow'ed.
  2. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    " a grumpy old curmudgeon..." Excuse me , he is a grumpy old curmudgeon!!!!
  3. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    Totally empty inside? No candle holder or something obvous like that?
  4. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    A pile of rags in the corner stirs. A shape rises, forms into a most bedraggled looking bard. It shakes off the accumulated dust, a couple cobwebs and some tumbleweeds? A scorpion drops off also which is promptly kicked into the spittoon. Morning all, Pranas has reconnected
  5. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    Heading to Austin tomorrow for a conference, then home to set up for the baby shower for the first grandchild. Busy busy
  6. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    Looks around...what is this Purple Bottle of which is spoken...
  7. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    Been playing one campaign in Roll 20 for about a year. And another live campaign at the library of all places for 8 months (part of community outreach) Having fun
  8. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    The bard shakes several pounds of dust, cobwebs, missed spittoon launches and rat droppings off, tries strumming his lute but the strings all break on contact. Tries singing but the voice cracks, cracked and very dry lips don't help either. Barkeep!!! Three flagons of your cheapest slop...
  9. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    CD!!!! Good to see you are still around. No great story, in fact I meant it to be Eff not Ekk. I finally decided to have a fairly standardized crossplatformcrossserver naming convention. I went with Eff b/c most people that know me from Sarlona (where I play the most by far) know me as that. And...
  10. Ekk (used to be Pranas)

    The Cupcake Muskateers Tavern welcomes You

    From undwer the pile of rages a very dusty (and old) bard appears...Pranas has reconnected