Recent content by l_remmie

  1. L

    lvl18 Vecna gear?

    The gear is fine, good even. It's just at an awkward lvl and takes a bunch of effort to get. Play the quests for fun and diversity and if you get a full set equip it for the same reason. Those sharn sets probably need a good wash anyway.
  2. L

    Value of Drow Weapons in 2024?

    They are all still really good. And best in slot for that build that uses warhammers or scimitars etc. If you don't plan on ever using them throw them in the ah. You can make someone happy.
  3. L

    Do you think DDO would loose something if it was upgraded graphically?

    This is a psychology question and i think we have seen the results happen. RuneScape graphic updates, Magic the gathering cardborders, Any big changes in anything really. People are incredibly emotionally attached to DDO the way it is. And people do not like change in general let alone change...
  4. L

    Unique augments from Challenges

    It's deprecated content. Too little R.o.I to spend any time on it.
  5. L

    Commendations of Heroism

    Both caught in the web and Fall of Truth are a lot easier with good ranged dps. You need to take down that phylactery somehow and you dont reach it with your sword. Lolth is annoying with her death ray ability and you can't see if you are actually hitting anything when up close because she's...
  6. L

    Extra Boxes

    Exactly. They tried and explained why at some point. No blame to give here.
  7. L

    This must stop !

    The problem with the deflection aura is that it does NOT work as a bubble shield. You need to actually hit the things in melee to turn of that shield for a few secs. Standing point blank next to it does nothing. Which is especially annoying for the trash with the deflection auras. Also the...
  8. L

    Do Cannith Crafting Success Boosters actually do anything?

    YES. In fact i'd even call them mandatory. You do NOT want to waste rare collectibles.
  9. L

    VIP program is going to literally cost SSG money - not a whiny quit post

    Ssg is not investing in acquiring new players or significant numbers of new VIPs. It's an understandable business decisions for a 20 year old game. I don't agree and i think they can make more profitable decisions but this is what we get.
  10. L

    What's the point of crafting if you can only make the same seemingly random combinations as on looted items?

    With old cannith crafting you could make lvl2 planeforged armor of invulnerability. Wearing stuff 20lvls too soon felt pretty OP.
  11. L

    Crafting: Please Consider This

    It's not the number of systems. It's the fact many systems are deprecated content. Old systems need to be updated, simplified or removed. Not every quest pack needs a new system if it can easily use an established one.
  12. L

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    A VIP subscription has to give monthly small things. And then reward bigger things in due time. Now it gives neglectable things after long times. It's thoroughly underwhelming, it's bad press for something that should be all upside. The reward bag needs to be a little better and needs to be...
  13. L

    What's the point of crafting if you can only make the same seemingly random combinations as on looted items?

    Cannith crafting isn't random. It's limited. 100% versatility is simply deemed to good. That is never going to happen. You really want to use a crafting planner to see what your options are within the possible combinations. It's really worth it too have basic good gear for TR's. Even at end...
  14. L

    SSG: Let's talk about Reaper crafting (and how to improve it)

    Reaper crafting is for the whaliest of whaly whales. It's downright laughable. I play like a proper addict, play decent r level and got like 50 in 2 years. If you are at the level where you can. Farm Reaper fragments reliable in a decent timeframe you need an intervention.
  15. L

    A Message to Our Players From SSG

    It's exactly what i asked. 2 days worth VIP and Gold rolls. Getting an xp weekend is bonus. You were never gonna get an otto's box.