Recent content by Phungki

  1. Phungki

    Baldur's Gate III . . .

    If grouping up is your thing, you probably wont like it. DDO does it much better. If you find yourself soloing mostly as I do (I probably haven't been in a group in 10 years or more), you will fit right in. Character creation is very good in BG3. Not sure how it is according to D&D 5. I hung up...
  2. Phungki

    Baldur's Gate III . . .

    played BG1 and BG2 from beginning to end many many times. Same with Neverwinter. I haven't looked into BG3 yet but if its similar than its worth a go with me. Even if its best solo.
  3. Phungki

    Is Reaper Mode going to kill the Game?

    My comment was in response to someone stating the game being soloable. Not sure what you are talking about but it’s definitely not what I’m talking about. Troll away
  4. Phungki

    Is Reaper Mode going to kill the Game?

    this is what makes it possible for some of us too play.
  5. Phungki

    Is Reaper Mode going to kill the Game?

    lol those were the days. actually used a heal kit once or twice, even the free club for Deleras