Recent content by somenewnoob

  1. S

    Escort the Expedition

    Yeah I usually do these r2 and on non trappers havent had him die in the traps.
  2. S

    Why do the servers feel so bad to play on right now?

    This is the answer for me. I haven't been on so havent seen if you've been on. A preemptive break. If they do a 180 in the next preview I might log in, but kind of have enjoyed my free time! Like any addiction, the first few days are the roughest, then you sort of feel better.
  3. S

    Are Guild Pots the Best Pots?

    For leveling a guild, YEP! I have a solo guild and as I was getting to 150, I would do every heroic and epic/legendary saga in the game, then when all done, pop the renown pot and turn them all in. You end up with around 2.6 million renown iirc, and this was pre saltmarsh so some more have been...
  4. S

    Update 66 Preview 1 - Epic Destiny Refresh

    At this point the only reason I'm popping in to check the thread is that the fingers in the ears," la la la la I can't hear you" about the EA Aura is absolutely comical and gives me the lolz! :)
  5. S

    Server population should be number 1 priority

    Solo guild, and yeah, big investment in time/resources. They absolutely SHOULD be able to do something like you proposed. Yeah during times I play, usually around 9am-8pm central US time, there are usually groups up. And plenty of people don't post LFMs, I know if I'm doing my heroics slog I...
  6. S

    Server population should be number 1 priority

    Cannith lost a lot of players during the server transfer fiasco, the high skull crowd got hit particularly hard. During hardcore we lose a lot more which is why I'm glad they are not doing another one this year. And I can't speak for everybody, but recently I went from playing at least 6+ hours...
  7. S

    Will the second version of the ED changeson Lam be less nerfy?

    There's an old saying: Ask me for feedback and then completely ignore it once, shame on you. Ask me for feedback and then completely ignore it 856 must play DDO.
  8. S

    Blanket nerfs

    In the spirit of compromise, I will accept all nerfs gladly if they will make an epic strike that brings down a rain of cows from space.
  9. S

    Update 66 Preview 1 - Epic Destiny Refresh

    Might as well, they already got my SS dice earlier.
  10. S

    Thinking about making a 2nd account, thoughts?

    So I've got a solo guild, so have 5 alt accounts for the best renown bonus, and I've got FIVE bard bots! :p There is no way this can backfire, bards are freaking awesome. A bard bot is leaps and bounds better than having a hire. The coupon and 99tp expansions mean you can get them a lot of...
  11. S

    Update 66 Preview 1 - Epic Destiny Refresh

    I'll use a cake here and there that I get from dice rolls :p. Sometimes when you're level 2 you get those 2 plagues + a carnage when you're in ringleader :p The real goal is to SLOW US DOWN. They got it in their head that we're leveling too fast, this is a way to pump the brakes. They gave us...
  12. S

    Update 66 Preview 1 - Epic Destiny Refresh

    He was saying that jokingly. It's like when I say to people "here's your cowboy hat, welcome to your first rodeo". I think it's kind of the running forum joke that we always spend 60+ pages of feedback, and they always ignore it! Most of us are using duct tape to keep our cowboy hats together...
  13. S

    Update 66 Preview 1 - Epic Destiny Refresh

    And I don't like that they don't like passive healing. So me and the EA Aura might be hanging out together somewhere else. And it's the height of stupidity to remove something players love for no reason other than that. And if there was another reason, you've been invited to share it multiple...
  14. S

    Update 66 Preview 1 - Epic Destiny Refresh

    The only thing you didn't do right on this post, was drop the mic and march off stage in victory. Truth.