Recent content by TeamScorpioRI

  1. TeamScorpioRI

    Purchase I regret

    I never regret spending money on playable content in the game. Froggo was a game changer when he came out (he is leagues above what you can get in the DDO store). I do regret buying the Underdark coffer. The panther is cool looking, but honestly was not worth the $$$ in the long run.
  2. TeamScorpioRI

    Game crashing only in Smash and Burn?

    Update! I went back in and turned off game sounds and no crashing, so can confirm it was the sound bug. What is weird is I have run this quest a number of times in the past with no issues, now suddenly I get crashing.
  3. TeamScorpioRI

    Game crashing only in Smash and Burn?

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I will try the sound trick to see if that helps. What's weird is I was just playing on the Hardcore servers farming IOD regularly with no issues, and I had never gotten this bug before from the game. I just assumed that my character was too powerful and DDO...
  4. TeamScorpioRI

    Game crashing only in Smash and Burn?

    Anyone have an issue with the game crashing on the quest "Smash and Burn"? I tested this on a few characters, and on both heroic and legendary levels. And it seems like AOE attacks/spells cause the game to immediately crash. If I do individual attacks, its fine. But the minute I do any AOE...
  5. TeamScorpioRI

    please give us a place to keep track of all our sagas

    Yes Please! This shouldn't be too hard. Just give us another tab on the quest compendium. We can track quests, favor, and slayers there.. Sagas just make logical sense to me.
  6. TeamScorpioRI

    So there's like a zillion people playing BG3 . . .

    I think a big step would be updating the graphics and UI in DDO. The base game is great, its just looking a little old now. The UI especially needs a redo. It should be able to support 4k and higher. New skins and textures in the game to get everything looking fresh. Example.. Dragonborn...
  7. TeamScorpioRI

    Best use - Stone of experience

    This is what I do. I usually level to 4 and get as much coinlord favor that I can, Just to get the backpack spaces. Then pop the stone.
  8. TeamScorpioRI

    Lets play a game: You are producer of DDO for 1 day!

    1) Upgrading UI to support scalable resolutions (4k and above). 2) Revamp the VIP benefits to be more appealing (Raid timer down to 24 hours, discount on all purchases not just expansions, etc) 3) Implement player housing: This would function similar to ships. Would purchase different sized...
  9. TeamScorpioRI

    So now we're punishing people for NOT doing reaper first?

    Just keep doing what you are doing. Nothing will change at all, XP wise. I run mostly solo as well. I do run with some guildies if they are in range, but rarely PUG (I like to run quests a particular way). What I usually do is hit Korthos and Keep on Elite, then run Harbor quests and up on R1...
  10. TeamScorpioRI

    Stop using gear sets to force a character into a forced play style

    True... but I see it more as a 1st attempt and maybe the standard going forward. I agree with the OP that some of the existing sets restrict you too much. IOD did open this up a little with the crafting, and now I see this next set as the next version of that. And who knows, they may tweak the...
  11. TeamScorpioRI

    Stop using gear sets to force a character into a forced play style

    Isn't this issue being addressed on the new gear set in U60? From what I saw, there is are all the armor types with the same stats (fort, either MMr or PRR, and spell saves) and then you add the set bonus you want on a special augment slot. This way, if you want the caster set, but with heavy...
  12. TeamScorpioRI

    So now we're punishing people for NOT doing reaper first?

    Why is it stated that we are "punishing" people for not running reaper first? I like to look at it as we are "rewarding" people for challenging themselves with running a higher difficulty first. You can level just as effectively by not running reaper, but if you choose to do reaper, you get...
  13. TeamScorpioRI

    Vecna Unleashed is now available to pre-purchase!

    Bank space is a nice edition, and the teleporters are always awesome. I am still waiting for them to add the Ravenloft teleporter back into the store The hireling is always welcome, a new sentient jewel could be cool. The only thing I don't care about is pets. They are useless in the game and...
  14. TeamScorpioRI

    Next update?

    They stated in the lamania section that the XP changes are going to be mostly scrapped. They are still going to rename the bonus to delving, and they are going to clean up the display, but the calculations are going to remain unchanged for now...
  15. TeamScorpioRI

    Hypothetical Archmage Revamp

    I like this tree. Gives plenty of flexability while giving force casters some much needed "oomf". I especially like the meteor swarm changing to a force spell. Very cool. Hopefully SSG takes some of your suggestions.