Recent content by TherioZero

  1. T

    U60 Lammania Preview 1 - XP System Adjustments

    maybe if they based onslaught on basic run thru from begining to end without all the extra side places and scale it a little better and maybe do an oposition as well like only 30 kill oly 20 kill and only 10 kill so the stealth toons can still play the style they wand and be able to obtain xp bonus
  2. T

    People are reporting on discord that they can't log into the forums

    I use edge and I was just able to log in
  3. T

    New Level 11 Quests

    have they said what level the mini expasion is suppose to be?
  4. T

    U60 Lammania Preview 1 - XP System Adjustments

    I really want to whine the game is to easy but now I am being forced to whine that I might have to do a couple extra quests to reach my goal and that is just to hard
  5. T

    U60 Lamannia Preview 1 - Machrotechnic Epic Destiny

    Epic Moment: Maximum Overdrive: Shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. This ability is not implemented and we welcome all suggestions for how this ability is structured, as long as the name is Maximum Overdrive! 5 minute cooldown. did not read all the pages so not to sure if this got mentioned but maybe...
  6. T

    Welcome Argo Players --- First!

    what they said