Stunning Blow should NOT target breakables over actual enemies

Maetrim of Cannith

DDOBuilder Creator
When playing a fighter that has spent a feat slot on the special ability of Stunning Blow, my special attack should not fail because the targeted mob happens to be standing beside an unbroken breakable. Stunning Blow will always hit the breakable and waste your attack if there is a breakable in range, even when you have the mob targeted with the reticule.

Please remove the auto attack a breakable for these special type attacks if your target is next to one.

Its like a mage casting FoD on a mob and oh! Its standing next to a crate, you FoD'ed a crate instead, as you know, that's what we assumed you were targeting all along.
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I can do things others can't...
Do you experience the same issue when you hard target before using Stunning Blow?

Also, which fighting style are you using when experiencing this? THF? SWF? Or TWF?
