Restore Original Tumble at least in Public Areas


Well-known member
You have flags to indicate in what kind of environment a character is. Restore original Tumble function and behavior in Public areas, Taverns, and maybe even Wilderness Zones.


Well-known member
Agree... Eladrin listened and fixed free wings in public areas after they clipped them back in the days.


Well-known member
We Don't negotiate with terrorists- G.W.Bush.

Why go halfway with them on this?

I will tell you unless they were a small group of kids or a few devs showcasing tumble as a means of travel because only they know why they were pushing one was "tumbling through quests"
Do you know who does roll around consistently, and I know because we all did it... new players, that's it. The fun wears off fast I assure you.
After the thrill is gone you just tumble when it's needed. And the "problem" if it was ever really a "problem" was something they designed with experimental tumble. Before that the skill did EXACTLY what they made overly and unnecessarily complicated with this new charged Tumble system.
You rolled for a longer time depending on skill and you took a moment to get your balance and to center yourself a second or 2.
But no they had to go further and further with it... now you got a little tumble bar on your already cluttered screen... how cute 😍.
If it ain't broke... don't break it...


Well-known member
pretty sure there's bigger problems than Tumble right now...mwahahahaha
Just saying you know new Devs are jacking things up when a player asks for an icon to show tumble charges and they put this alien looking thing on your screen instead of a hotbar icon.
Learn the Game first before getting your nub fingers into it...
They were probably like "tumble changes is my baby I will take care of it" lol 😆
*crashes the entire network*
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