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  1. H___O___R___S___E

    Borderlands - Feather Tokens Mount Farm

    Heyo All, This was originally a post by Bolo_Grubb on the old forums: This is how I farmed enough feathers quickly Start at the Keep and follow the red line. Be sure to pick up the Crest at the Spider rare, Lizard man rare, and then run to the tower for the bat crest. Ddoor when you get to the...
  2. H___O___R___S___E

    Iconic Bank Mule - 32 Point Tabaxi Trailblazer Sorc

    Heyo all, Here is the bank mule build that I have been using when making bank alts. It is pretty simple and gets the job done. 32-Point Tabaxi Trailblazer Character name: Bank Mule Classes: 14 Sorcerer, 10 Epic, 5 Unknown, 2 Legendary, 1 Monk Race: Tabaxi Trailblazer· ·Alignment: Lawful...