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  1. F

    Can we tweak the colors for DCs?

    I have colour blindness and struggle to see red in the dc description also, I would also like player health bars to have a solid background and be resizable. Maybe @Tonquin could work his magic :) .
  2. F

    Need items with Profane/Sacred Spell Focus +2

    I'd suggest putting up an lfm to see if anyone would like to help pull and offering free pikes to help pull the ring.
  3. F

    Most satisfying character action ingame

    Using diplomacy for the first time to kill an afk guildy.
  4. F

    Thought Exercise: Player Kills

    Diplomacy is always a winner when guildies go afk :D An old favourite was grease before freedom of movement was easy to acquire, I have warm memories of guildies going afk just before the swim in crucible mwahahahaha!
  5. F

    Iron golems

    Mace of smiting ftw :p , well its ok for low levels :) As Vryxnr says turn of the pact damage and pop down a web and you should be ok.
  6. F

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    For me VIP rewards should not be something you can buy from the store, I'm not saying no to extra points, xp pots and +20 hearts of wood but I think VIP rewards should be something exclusive to VIP's only, and it should offer a QoL that would be too good to miss out on. I would also like to...
  7. F

    What's the point of crafting if you can only make the same seemingly random combinations as on looted items?

    As mention GoMF maybe something that you plan to use later in high end content, crafting absorption items for high end content can also be very useful. I have a few con rings crafted on for leveling containing either a masters gift, death block or vitality, these are great for passing around alts.
  8. F

    deck of many curses - rate

    It's a fortune bonus, it stacks and cards are not meant to be that OP.
  9. F

    When does Reaper become important (and other questions)?

    Reaper difficulty can put some people off wanting to try it again, so if you find you are not strong enough and not enjoying it, don't be discouraged about trying it again later. As you progress in the game you will gain more knowledge about quests, your builds, and playstyle and will acquire...
  10. F

    Keep getting this Error message(Standard): You or someone in your party must complete The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar in order to enter this quest.

    You can also get first time bonus for doing the long and short versions, not sure if you get a first time bonus for doing the commentary version.
  11. F

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    Please get the game up before I do something crazy
  12. F

    DDO Bonus Days!

    The store says DDO Bonus Days bring you a +10 Treasure Hunter Boost, now through March 24th! Sorry not sure how to change font size I just copied and paste.
  13. F

    Suggestion: add casual raid difficulty

    I disagree there are some people that may not have your level or skill or abilities so I upvoted this suggestion as this will possibly give others a chance to experience content that they may not feel comfortable with or do not play at optimum times.
  14. F

    SSG, the reason why I don't buy IoD or Vecna...

    Well I guess if time zone is the issue then there is no point in complaining about it and as for an alternative means to acquire raid items I don't believe the devs will accommodate you or anyone else for that matter but good luck in trying to convince them.
  15. F

    SSG, the reason why I don't buy IoD or Vecna...

    A token system was asked for by the OP and while I guess that's not a raid rune it still amounts to pie in the sky for not completing the required raid. OK to appease the OP and yourself how about 1 token is offered in the saga rewards list for every saga competition but you need 1250 tokens to...
  16. F

    SSG, the reason why I don't buy IoD or Vecna...

    Another simple solution would be to put effort into acquiring items that you want from the game or you could wait for the August Draconic Raiders reward box and hope it offers what you want if you do not want to put the effort in. I guess raid gear is not gated after all but it looks like you...
  17. F

    SSG, the reason why I don't buy IoD or Vecna...

    There is a simple solution, make friends with people who play around the same time as you and start small short-mainning older raids. There is fun in having a challenge. Who knows they may have friends who would like to be in on fun on other occasions. You have to put yourself out there...
  18. F

    SSG, the reason why I don't buy IoD or Vecna...

    How do you work out that you have been playing longer than myself, I started on the EU servers, not that it matters ... understanding how to gear when some options are not available are still comprehensible even to a none vet. Anyways if you have no intentions to purchase those packs then you...