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  1. C

    Reincarnation tracker UI

    The data is all there it's just a pain to pull out of the feats menu. A more user friendly window that shows where you are at on the hamster wheel would be appreciated.
  2. C

    Feels like Something is Wrong

    The recent brutal downtime and the new errors seem like the game is in trouble. The new monthly reward has not been fixed in days and they broke the guild-ship teleports and have not fixed them? Is there anyone paying attention over there?
  3. C

    Oh mah God - when is that ranged aoe coming

    I thought it would be fun to try out the new ranged changes so I reincarnated an arti light crossbow gnome. HEP ME! It's soooo slow to kill the packs one mob at a time after about level13. When are the aoe changes coming?
  4. C

    How Long Does it Take SSG to Fix a broken character?

    My main character is Fuxored. I was rerolling and he cannot now be logged in. Logging him in just crashes the game to desktop. Every other character can log in and every server is is itself fine for logging in. Logging him in just crashes the game. I did the whole report thing last night...
  5. C

    Coin Turn Ins Cookie Jar Crash bug

    My cookie jar now reads 46/41 items and when I click on it, the game crashes. PS I tried to report this bug but your bug report system is both unwieldy and actually seems bugged... (Ironic or just sad?)