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  1. FireEater

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    I sure can't wait for the 10% weapon damage ward month. Let's go bathe in oozes.
  2. FireEater

    Bank broken after last update.

    Yes and that is a problem is it not? One day the bank fix will be completed.
  3. FireEater

    Dwarves not proficient with Dwarven War Axe

    When you say it shows up under racial feats... that's not on your character sheet then right? Or were you just refering to the wiki?
  4. FireEater

    Dwarves not proficient with Dwarven War Axe

    What is your source of proficiency?
  5. FireEater

    salt marsh heroic slayer

    I am more impressed that someone ran heroic Saltmarsh slayers.
  6. FireEater

    Perma flag CITW raid

    probably a good idea to give a sigil or something after flagging once. Hell, that barely worked for Titan raid. But worth a shot.
  7. FireEater

    Video settings seem to be locked now

    If you plug in Reshade it will automatically load in your settings when you start so no need to keep diddling the brightness/contrast/gamma, whatever it is you're needing to do. Set it and forget it. For instance here I've only tweaked Gamma and Exposure just a little and that works for me.
  8. FireEater

    Killed the boss and the quest became uncompleteable. (Start with Rest For The Night)

    It breaks the script if you shoot him across the river before you cross and don't activate the script that is initiated once you are approaching.
  9. FireEater

    How Many Curse Cleanser Cards have you found?

    3. Sold one, used one, am sitting on the last one.
  10. FireEater

    Video settings seem to be locked now

    Can also use Reshade
  11. FireEater

    Devs Broke Tumble..

    The experiment experience continues.
  12. FireEater

    Devs Broke Tumble..

    It was experimental. The experiment was completed.
  13. FireEater

    After Quest Lag

    I thought that was Quest Complete end chest loot generation. First identified years ago during still famous Shroud Chests lag upon each phase completion.
  14. FireEater

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    You can farm out 290 SXP in minutes easy. There. There's your month reward.
  15. FireEater

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    Get rid of the 300 Sentient XP gem. I don't want to risk accidentally selecting it.
  16. FireEater

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    Today is April 10, not April 1. Someone didn't notice the "0"?
  17. FireEater

    DDO Server Longtime Downtime Unique Treat Especial Premiere! ~ Nothing Compares to You DDO <3

    Quite brazen to post footage of a Reddit comments section! :cool:
  18. FireEater

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    Someone in the Northern New Jersey area should go to the data center and report from outside with a live action video news team. And post it here. Because some of y'all are so obsessed with this, would that even help?
  19. FireEater

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    What statement are you looking for? Go to the data center in northern New Jersey and report from the spot. Live, local, late-breaking.
  20. FireEater

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    Easter Bunny blood sacrifice