Search results

  1. Wanfanel

    Audience with the Queen vs Spell absorption

    It's a little irritating that some buffs from "Audience with the Queen" are absorbed by spell absorption items and lose charges upon rest.
  2. Wanfanel

    Tumble GUI hide only when is full charged

    I like know my Tumble is still charging while fighting monsters etc.
  3. Wanfanel

    Gameplay Music,

    I was played DDO live and Twitch block my Audio, Now I needed Know if I Needed mute Music for streams. Sorrowdusk isle Music or background is "Ascension by Ishq" they what Youtube says ... Can I get confirmation i can use video with original DDO sounds and music?
  4. Wanfanel

    Hireling GUI fix

    If we right-click on a hireling, we gain access to the "Customize AI" options, and a window named "Customize Orders" opens. The issue arises when you reopen this window; none of the checkboxes load the current status. I believe this is a simple one-minute bug fix—just load the values when...
  5. Wanfanel

    Game Engine and Chat GPT

    Dear DDO Devs, I have a suggestion that could greatly benefit DDO and its community. As we all know, DDO is an old game that has become increasingly challenging to maintain. Many of the current programs and functionalities are no longer working as intended. In light of this, I would like to...