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    [LF again] Tome of Legend pages

    Thanks a lot!
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    [LF again] Tome of Legend pages

    You guys are so fabolous, will check after work - now im jittery 😀
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    [LF again] Tome of Legend pages

    Yvonnel-1 or Jarlaxle-1 are those i play!
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    [LF again] Tome of Legend pages

    and once again im working on something, i could use a hand on! looking for pages of tome of untold legends from heroic necropolis IV, atm i need ALL but 3 and 8 ... but im working on it^^ all help appreciated, any needs fullfilled ;)
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    Store Sales: February 8th - 15th

    sucks absolutely, aye!
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    Store Sales: February 8th - 15th

    When they offered the free transfer from gland to orien, they explicitly mentioned that no stable, no pets and no mm will be transed - there was never a word about it being a bug, so i guess this wont be an issue theyll put time on :( And aye, i lost my mm too and i had everything in there full...
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    Downtime Notice: Wednesday, February 7th, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT)

    What else is there outside in the real world but a grind? ;)
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    To DDO Developers: make full reincarnations upgrade for a character purchasable at DDO Store

    Uhm, no. Just no Cant imagine i would enjoy the game still after beta if they ever implemented such p2w BS for sure
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    Where O. Where O has the VIP Benefit Updates Gone?

    Hooray, adjusment of cc and revels .... u remember theres a bunch of forgotten house C challenges ou there, yeah?
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    Snowpeaks Silver coins - really?

    ty for the info! just bought my two frost rubies i wanted to get my rogue on a TR train:) so im done for this year
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    Snowpeaks Silver coins - really?

    after talking around for a bit i realized im not the only one that is, lets be gentle - not happy about the situation of peaks as it is (and was^^) why the hell the silver coin shortage, there nothing else thats ever short (gold/bronze) so why the hell put a req of at least 100 silvers on most...
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    Clickies Upgrade

    im carrying pre-changed lvl20 goggles of time sensing that had the haste clickie by then (changed to be on the legendary lvl30 version only later) and dustless boots (old lvl20) with jump clickie they changed too,... im happy to have these still!
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    [LF] Drow Dagger, one or two

    from Epicbt i got one, yes. Have my thanks and if u dont need something, im sure someone needing a hand will be found :)
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    [LF] Drow Dagger, one or two

    no, i am Yvonnel-1 (stranded from gland^^) i would love to have two for sure, since i still think theyre my best choice till pain and suffering, we can always talk ingame ofc :)
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    [LF] Drow Dagger, one or two

    yes i am, still collecting some gear for the train :) let me know how i can repay for it!
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    [LF] Drow Dagger, one or two

    as above im in search of one or two of these for another round of reincarnations :) the stat doesnt matter at all, just let me know here or ingame! Yvo
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    Casual new older player looking for a guild on Orien

    this. all of us are officers, so just hit anyone when servers are back up! should suffice for the start ;) Yvo
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    [WTT] +14 Wis/Char diamond for constitution

    Need another one :) add: done too!
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    [Implement augments]

    400+as for rerolls so far^^
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    [Implement augments]

    just a question if these are really just as illusory as they appear to me? over the last days i ransacked 3(4) toons in TOEE part 1 and 2, all red named and boss chests on ransack on every toon, and i did so for the second time after last weeks ransack^^ more than 100 chests, about half with a...