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  1. R

    Machrotechnic tree in ddo store

    Hey, first of all, thanks for releasing Vecna in the DDO store. However, is the Machrotechnic Tree going to also be released in the DDO store to be purchasable via DDO points, or will it remain behind a pay wall to be only purchasable with real money?
  2. R

    Please fix the fps issue

    The game is unplayable for me after going through several instances, I am not going to speak for everyone, but I've noticed a lot of other players share the same issue. Can you please prioritize this and fix it asap?
  3. R

    Loading screen & party chat bug

    Hello fellow ddo players, I’ve been experiencing a persistent issue with the game that I wanted to discuss. The problem is a loading screen bug that has been present since I started playing. It’s an annoyance that occurs infrequently, but when it does, it usually requires a client restart to...
  4. R

    Access to Machro-technic epic destiny tree

    Is the only way to access the new tree through the pre-purchase? Also, are there plans to release it in the store after a couple of months, or is it always going to be behind a paywall? I understand having to wait like 7 months or so to buy the expansion through DDO points, but to also include...