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  1. Indyanna

    There is zerging, and then there is being a jerk.

    ummmmmmmm also... here's a thought... put your requirements for YOUR group in YOUR LFM??? Coming to the forums about it, not sure what you thought you would achieve lol I mean I happily drank my tea while reading through the thread tho ngl
  2. Indyanna

    There is zerging, and then there is being a jerk.

    lol this is wild.. You sound like a bundle of fun LOL
  3. Indyanna

    Suppress Mounts at Banks

    Definitely no to this, I already hate being dismounted in a Tavern (but am used to it).. why would I want that in the bank? As rabid stated Q+E are your friends and not just in this instance
  4. Indyanna

    Color me impatient

    If I didn't need frags I would never run out there. It is my LEAST favourite pack, not worth the coin toss except to get those imo
  5. Indyanna

    Ingredient-boost weekends

    This sent me and now I’ve been totally distracted from the point of this post. Which just shows the reason is because we might be adults but we’re also immature lol What I will say though is that if you think Khyber shard exchange is crazy.. you should see Argo lol I would love an ingredient...
  6. Indyanna

    New Mount Issue for Deep Gnome

    this really shouldnt make laugh as much as it does, i feel like i'm now a 12yo boy
  7. Indyanna

    What the heck is on my screen

    Move the hideous charge bar to somewhere you won't notice it as much, pretty sure they won't be changing it any time soon Tumbling is also now like a bad habit I cant stop doing, even when it's totally unnecessary... so there's that lol
  8. Indyanna

    End game DPS

    I don’t drink coffee.. but maybe I need to start before jumping on the forums
  9. Indyanna

    Make quest completion remove resurrection timer

    Whilst I totally agree it is a pita, I feel like if they did this.. something will likely break lol
  10. Indyanna


    It’s Indy… with a ‘y’ idk yours seems to need some new members lol *chuckle on that
  11. Indyanna


    is Elminster, Franzthe? ngl it would kind of check out lol
  12. Indyanna

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    I came on to comment on my dislike so it’s only fair I come back to comment on this being a great change. It’s good to see SSG clearly taking on board some of the feedback from the player base.
  13. Indyanna

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    My thoughts exactly, if Strimtom (let alone the rest of us) is openly stating how bad they are then SSG truly need to have a rethink. Seeing what LOTRO get in terms of QoL it can't be THAT hard to implement something here
  14. Indyanna

    Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

    omg I did this in shadow crypt a few weeks ago, I was so mad lol
  15. Indyanna

    Introducing our VIP Loyalty Reward Program!

    When I first woke up and saw the bag of hardly anything I thought... meh but ok (as I thought we got everything in it).. I then read it properly once my brain decided to join the party. SSG really? 300 sent XP? That is a joke, who thought that was a viable option in a bag we only get to choose...
  16. Indyanna

    Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

    I have a guildie that often tells me “north left” etc 😂
  17. Indyanna

    Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

    No, no I couldn’t I would likely get even more confused lol
  18. Indyanna

    Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

    Can we PLEASE put NSEW on the mini map so I can stop saying Never Eat Soggy Weetbix in my head when needing to find my way around in game..ty
  19. Indyanna

    Poll: Should SSG do something for players due to the weekend downtime?

    What facts? Have you actually run with any of them? I have. It is downplaying when you suggest that they’re only so fast because of fast farming xp quests and 50 pots and that is actually not true. Also.. in reality that comment wasn’t directed solely at you anyway, it was a general comment...