Search results

  1. Douglas Glyndwr

    What's your favourite quest?

    All four of the quests in Reaver's Refuge. Easily the four most unique quests in the game. If I had to pick a top one, it'd be Prey on the Hunter. You run through that like it's an urgent rescue... 'cause it is.
  2. Douglas Glyndwr

    An expansion giveaway does not equal a discovery elixir

    An expansion is 24 bucks, an ottos is 50. Too much.
  3. Douglas Glyndwr

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    No. They don't deserve the level of vitriol they've gotten here. Personally, they can shut the game down to save them the trouble from this now entirely too toxic fan base. I can always find something else to do now. I'll miss the game, but I certainly won't miss the forums.
  4. Douglas Glyndwr

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    They have ALWAYS extended VIP time. GTA Online is up every night but completely inaccessable on PC every night between 11pm and 1am Pacific. As I always am fond of noting, when they are down for four months like Star Trek Online, then it's "bad".
  5. Douglas Glyndwr

    Sales: March 21st - 28th

    When will Char slots go on sale, ever? When will we get another choose discout, LotRO has had two since we had our last.
  6. Douglas Glyndwr

    Today I played Necro 2 for the first time

    The best ones offer paths to do one or the other. The worst ones are Raven's Bane and Best Laid Plans.
  7. Douglas Glyndwr

    Eyes of the Black Earth drop

    What? I've fed so many of the Eyes to sentient weapons, it's ridiculous.
  8. Douglas Glyndwr

    Today I played Necro 2 for the first time

    Necro 2 is fun. All the Necros are fun except the one in 3 with the gears. Every quest in the packs are a unique challenge and all feel entirely different from one another. The only pack that does that better is Reaver's Refuge. Most quests nowadays are just boring beat downs, with no...
  9. Douglas Glyndwr

    2 Hour 100% Reaper XP pots for the Win?

    Not a choice since I'd not darken the doorstep of a Texas Roadhouse.
  10. Douglas Glyndwr

    Just noticed this today about the pet rock

    I might have an extra if you're on Khyber. If you're on notKhyber, well... can't help. :(
  11. Douglas Glyndwr

    SSG's inconsistency is going to make the rest of the playerbase Leave.

    Ok, totes different issue, I've had chars get changed mid-life, and it ain't good. Sometimes I can grind out the life before an update, sometimes I fight thru after. Only once did I use a Heart.
  12. Douglas Glyndwr

    Devs, you fixing the frame rate issue?

    Yes. Star Trek Online was GONE for four months. They deleted half their content later. They revamped the system so there are lots of options, but only ONE viable build. GTA Online PC had an exploit that would lock your account and in certain circumstances, allow people access to your account...
  13. Douglas Glyndwr

    Thunderforge handwraps don't smoke :(

    Yeah, Monks are fashion challenged. There are only 3 different lootgen outfits with fixed colour schemes as well. :(
  14. Douglas Glyndwr

    Most of the single target epic strikes will not be used due to their excessively low damage

    After the update, my bard's Strike a CHORD is doing at least 4x damage as before, with a quick cooldown, so I use it early and often.
  15. Douglas Glyndwr

    SSG's inconsistency is going to make the rest of the playerbase Leave.

    That would happen here if suddenly all the "we have too much grind" people got their wish and past lives were 10x easier to get suddenly. And really, even a big nerf like dragonbreath shouldn't slow anyone's roll all that much unless that's the only build you know.
  16. Douglas Glyndwr

    Petition to have these unneccessary Changes reverted here.

    The anniversary event? In the Phairlain Chapterhouse? That's had light tracing issues since the new roof put in five years ago and slows down everything? Probably not related then to last update.
  17. Douglas Glyndwr

    Petition to have these unneccessary Changes reverted here.

    Roll back to 2004. That will make everyone happy.
  18. Douglas Glyndwr

    So age of Conan I gave it a try guys and found it to be very much like ddo without the lag.

    Oh yeah. Seems fun. No updates, and just last year a lot of accounts got perm-banned. So Improvement. Wow.
  19. Douglas Glyndwr

    This is what peak performance looks like lads. Amazing Hotfix, as always.

    I lived through New Romulus. Call me when the game is down for it's fourth month.
  20. Douglas Glyndwr

    Nerfs have caused my husband and guildies who raid to not even want to play anymore. Thanks for ruining ddo.

    I'm looking forward to the day that EG7 passes through the forums, sees theses posts and shuts the games down and then we'll have nothing. I've tried other games, and they're all garbage. You thought this was bad, it's nothing compared to what's happened to something like Star Trek Online, this...