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  1. Cernunan

    How does Wizards kill bosses and other monsters that can't be killed by insta kill?

    Just stop. They are doing what they keep doing. They spent years selling us power, and now that they have sucked every penny they could, they are nerfing that power back, just so they can sell that power back to you later this/next year with whatever uber legendary power they sell next. So...
  2. Cernunan

    Poll: Feelings about Update 66 . . .

    Well. They are doing what they always do. They are removing the current power level so they can re add it with whatever new legendary system they are working on. Which, ok. But you know, as we have discussed, they will end up monetizing what they add. So once again they are clawing back power...
  3. Cernunan

    Nerfs have caused my husband and guildies who raid to not even want to play anymore. Thanks for ruining ddo.

    For the posters making light of the OP's concerns, I am shaking my head. Every time the devs torch a game feature that the majority of the more casual players love and rely on, the elites tell them to just GET GUD! and completely disregard their feelings. And you know what has happens? They...
  4. Cernunan

    Year of the Dragon
  5. Cernunan

    Minor Warlock Enhancements

    Stunning blast has such a long animation as to make it mostly unusable. Make it instant like consume
  6. Cernunan

    Is Hardcore Season Hardcore enough?

    EXTEREME EXTREME EXTREME!!!!!!iiiiii Dude, it's a 16 year old game played by mostly retired people. You want extreme challenge, maybe find an actual challenging game
  7. Cernunan

    Store suggestion: Baby stone xp (1.000.000 xp stone at 1200 tp)

    Or both! I love having options for specific circumstances.
  8. Cernunan

    Illithid Invasion u63 Event Unlocking Mega Thread [Completed]

    During the devil's invasion event I remember my guildies would wait around for the spawns in an attempt to get some loot drops. We all would be frozen from the event lag, while 1 guildie would put himself just out of the way of the event, then he would backspace grab all the dropped loot while...
  9. Cernunan

    Put expansion claim vendors in the Hall of Heroes.

    Sure, but the HoH is huge and mostly unused. A few paper dolls representing the packs they grant is flavorful and fun, and gives a little depth and character. This isn't a text game, it a visual medium.
  10. Cernunan

    So there's like a zillion people playing BG3 . . .

    Larian staff have just commented on why there will probably not be any expansions. Because abilities past 13 are so warping it is almost impossible to balance a game around the abilities and game systems start to break down. They cite the fact that almost all published adventures are under lvl...
  11. Cernunan

    We are curious to get your thoughts!

    Because it was a boring plot-free snooze fest
  12. Cernunan

    A Hardcore Season without Named Items

    They generate vast sums of income from purchased shards for chest rerolls to get named items. Hardcore is one of the yearly cash cows, This thread is mote
  13. Cernunan

    Lamannia Update 60 Preview 2 - New Update 61 Quests

    That's not what I said. It's still heroic XP, not epic XP, it''s not worth the time
  14. Cernunan

    Lamannia Update 60 Preview 2 - New Update 61 Quests

    For some reason the devs would not listen to any input about how this is the absolute worst spot for an expansion, it's been brought up numerous times. 18 mean running elite is 20, which cannot be done without problems because when you hit 20 the XP switches to epic. So you have to run the...
  15. Cernunan

    Things to consider adding to the game such as a Scroll Case or Spell Component Pouch

    They have a spell component "case", it's called omni dust you can buy in the store. Over and over