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  1. Writz

    Sonic blast was adjusted to be book accurate, so force missiles should be adjusted too!

    Ever since I first started playing DDO it’s been my dream to play a competent magic missile character, and I wasn’t around for the Shiradi garbage times 😔
  2. Writz

    Ying's First Life Bow

    I really appreciate the in depth build you’ve made targeted towards newer players, you’re doing a very good service for the community and I wish these sorts of resources were more readily available when I started out.
  3. Writz

    Iconic Bank Mule - 32 Point Tabaxi Trailblazer Sorc

    What an amazing and groundbreaking guide, I’d give you Reddit gold if I were able.
  4. Writz

    I stream sometimes [MEDIA] I'm currently a Sarlona gamer Characters: Writz, Squeezebox, Aipom

    I stream sometimes I'm currently a Sarlona gamer Characters: Writz, Squeezebox, Aipom