Disciples of Rain static group checkin


New member
Hi, just thought I'd make us a thread on the new forums. Hope all is well with Cyrilath, missed him last night.
Hi Tirana.
Sorry something was wrong with my ISP last night. I couldn't get online for almost a day. Seems to be fixed now.
Felt bad about leaving you all hanging. Happy July 4th BTW.



Well-known member
You guys may want to set up a discord server for your group. You can have discord on your phone too, so you can chat and notify each other when you are away from home too.

Is very useful.
Hi guys...

My power supply on my gaming computer died over the weekend so I need to take it in and replace it at the least. I'm hoping nothing else was damaged and it will be a simple repair but I will miss tonight at a minimum. I'll post an update next week.

Hi guys...

My power supply on my gaming computer died over the weekend so I need to take it in and replace it at the least. I'm hoping nothing else was damaged and it will be a simple repair but I will miss tonight at a minimum. I'll post an update next week.

Sorry there was a mix up where they shipped the wrong power supply so there's been a delay fixing my PC. I hope it will be done by next week

I ran into some annoying issues with Amazon shipping and more being wrong with the PC than I thought but I finally got all the parts I needed and it is fixed so I will be joining you again next Monday. Sorry for missing so much time. I felt badly about it but not much I could do.


New member
I ran into some annoying issues with Amazon shipping and more being wrong with the PC than I thought but I finally got all the parts I needed and it is fixed so I will be joining you again next Monday. Sorry for missing so much time. I felt badly about it but not much I could do.
Good to hear you finally got things sorted out, it's a pain when your computer isn't working. We've missed you (kind of ran out of things to do without you, heh), and look forward to having you back. Assuming the others see this, we should be good to go this Monday & next (12/4 & 12/11), but might be taking the next 3 weeks off (12/18, 12/25 & 1/1) due to holiday stuff. Hope to see you Monday, and welcome back!