Sarlona - Returning player needing guild

Been quite a few years since I last played, never got too far, but am back and looking for a guild that doesn't mind answering noob questions. Voice server would be great as it's easier to communicate but not a requirement. Currently playing a new char lvl10, but have a 12, 14, and 16 from before I stopped playing last time.


Well-known member
HI, there Disciples of the Apocalypse is a noob-friendly guild... We have a very active group willing to run quests with you to get you the equipment you want... We have a lot of experienced players to answer questions about equipment crafting etc... We raid almost every day and we don't have a lot of requirements to join the raids like other guilds may have... in-game mail Weslokia, Eglalantina, Harrowinda, Wartinasha, Timmius, Vallhanna, Deseray, Kiki, Onj, Klych to get an invite... We don't have any requirements to join except to be respectful of others at all times...

We have a discord server as well as a teamspeak server with 24/7 music (hits from the 1970's to 2020's)...
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