Skeleton Hunter Maul is flametouched iron but missing good dmg type!

Bug Report Number:

The Blonde

Catalogues Bugs
Quite a few weapons (including the newly added Shining Reliquary ones) are made of materials that normally bypass certain DRs, but do not actually have that flag. It is much more likely that the devs use a random weapon they find as a template, paying literally no attention to what it's made of (100% true, thousands of examples), than it is for them to forget to add DR bypass flags on so many weapons. Gotta learn to ignore what the material says unfortunately. It is what it is. Maybe they'll step it up one day.


Well-known member
DR breaking is a serious matter for melees, consistency here would be appreciated. Anyway one could be pardoned to think that Ghostly Skeletons (from Delera"s) would be susceptible to a weapon named Skeleton Hunter that has the property Ghostbane.


Scourge of Xaos
I got a mythic +4 heroic version and I'm not even gonna bother trying to "might" get a new one incase it "might" be fixed.