Wednesday Teaching Raids on ARGO!

Hey everyone! It's Thexsoloist here from Argo. A few members of my guild Reaper Casual and I will be organizing teaching raids on Wednesdays at 7:30pm EST starting March 20th! We plan to run a few raids each week, adjusting based on speed, turnout, and how long things take to complete. Our main aim is to assist anyone on the server who's eager to learn raid mechanics, understand why certain strategies are employed, and how to solve the variety of raid puzzles.

For the past few months, I've been hosting three full raid trains a week on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Through this experience, I've noticed that players who solely rely on pick-up groups for raids might not have had the chance to fully grasp raid mechanics. Therefore, we're setting up these teaching sessions to offer a fun and supportive environment for those who want to dedicate time to learning.

These raids will take place in a Discord server, allowing us to communicate easily through voice chat, share links, or even do screenshares for detailed explanations. Additionally, we hope to utilize this Discord server to assist players interested in tackling High Reaper questing, as breaking into that scene can be challenging without established connections.

We understand the concern some may have about feeling like they're dragging the group down. Personally, I've grappled with that dilemma when I started raiding and doing reapers. Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for everyone and help foster a stronger community in Argo, in our own small way.

While we acknowledge that this initiative might not suit everyone's preferences, we hope it can benefit at least a few individuals. If you're interested, please reach out to me here or on Discord at @khordaldruz, and I'll send you an invite to the server so we can kick things off!

Thank you all for taking the time to consider this opportunity. Looking forward to seeing you there!


New member
These Raids have been a great learning Experience! There's no pressure to perform at a super high level, and plenty of opportunity to ask questions, and tons of great people. If you want to learn raiding, these guys are amazing!


Well-known member
Participated in my first Wed Argo teaching raid and it was great. Full groups and whenever people dropped it instantly filled, I would say it was definitely oversubscribed. My main is currently wrapping up some archetype PLs so I brought a bard on an alternate account. Even for people that are reasonably familiar with raiding, this is a wonderful event to try out a different role.

Just about everyone was in Discord and there was plenty of communication during the raids. The organizers had enough people in key roles with knowledge to both educate and ensure quest completion. I would encourage anyone on the fence about raiding to look for this group on subsequent Wednesday's. Great work and thank you Reaper Casual, et al for organizing and hosting this event!!


This sounds like fun. All the friends that joined DDO with me 15 years ago have mostly been gone for the last 12 years :( so I mostly just solo or duo. The only raids I've ever done are Hound (for threads), Defiler, Fire on Thunderpeak, and Shroud (once). As a result, my group-play experience is just short of zero and I'm sure my gameplay skills are laughable since nobody's been on hand to offer advice. That said, I've been persistent and I have past lives. I even have some reaper points... More accurately, the reapers have about 4000 Zorvaal points. I was gonna name my main Soulstone just to save some time but that name was taken!

I'm nervous about playing in a group, but I want to learn. I'd like to join a guild too if that's possible. The buffs would be welcome! I'm ChopGPT in game. I'll reach out on Discord (yeah, I'm new there too!). This sounds like a good project and I hope I can contribute. Thanks!