Witch Wizzer Damage Spells are Better @Cap?


Well-known member
My search fu is weak. All things being somewhat geared and organized, which spells shake their way to the top of a wizards damage rotation? I'm primarily interested in R6-10 quests, paired with hard to low reaper raids.

My force crit chance can be low to high 60s. I can likely gear for another 60% type simmultaneous. Probably very mild crit damage bonus for a second school.

For damage purposes does negative spell power suffice? Is negative the "gooder" spell power type for wizard damage? I assume (theory untested) cold is a general prefference for the extra crit damage filligree set.

Thanks for the insight!


Well-known member
This is a rather difficult question to answer. There is no silver bullet here. To many variable and conditions.
The highest damage spell would depend on what the character is built for. What gear, augments and filigrees you have as well as the type a monsters you are going up against.

You could be built for fire and if you are up again cold based creatures you are going to see some very big numbers but against fire based creature, even tripping there immunity will not make up the difference.

Force is good as most monsters are not immune but it's not the hardest hitting type went immunity is not at play.
There is also single target vs AOE. Technically AOE has higher overall damage output when adding up damage to all monsters in the area.

The best advice I can give is to consider what dungeons and raids you are looking to run and make sure you are not building for a spell type that the majority of the monsters are immune to. There will always be some in which case you have to all back to a secondary spell type.


Avatar of Jell-O
When you can bypass damage immunity, you can focus on one or two elements. If you can't bypass damage immunities, it's going to be important to have spells that will hurt whatever you're going to be fighting. Do you want to do every legendary quest? Are you happy with just farming Sharn for a while and you can just throw Meteor Swarm at pretty much everything? What immunities and weaknesses do your enemies have?


Well-known member
Force is really the goto for wizards needing raw spell damage. Simply because very few mobs resist it. Spells such as: Arcane Mage SLA's, Ruin & gRuin, Arcane Tempest. Yet notice that spells using Magic Missiles (MM) and their variants are absent from this list. MM has been so heavily nerfed over the years that noone bothers using them, even in Heroics.

That being said, Wizards are NOT nukers, though they can step-in as one as needed. Which only highlights their true strength, adaptability! Far as I know of, no other class has such a diverse number of spells paired with a high number class feats.
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