Recent content by BiggerTrolls

  1. B

    DPS test

    Bruh I have the same problem. I never understand unless spelled out. Sometimes the madness can be fun to puzzle together. Praise the wiki! Our only hope in the darkness!
  2. B

    DPS test

    Wish I could join, nothing is capped. Great thread, thanks all!
  3. B

    Fatesinger Warlock? Because we can +60 Spell Critical Damage?

    I've done a bit of blaster lock, at some point it feels like if tool tips were accurate we would have a different game.
  4. B

    Will It Work? Barb12 Ftr4 Rog4

    I better level this dumb build up quickly. I need to post screen caps.
  5. B

    Will It Work? Barb12 Ftr4 Rog4

    Those are interesting numbers. My first attempt at a 20 monk tank had 330~ prr 40ish dodge and 5k hp, with 120+ mrr, outside of reaper. I expected your numbers to be higher, the stats you laid out speak highly of the build style. Very impressive that you can get so much milage out of droll!
  6. B

    Will It Work? Barb12 Ftr4 Rog4

    Amazing insights! If you can recall what were your numbers for defensive stats?
  7. B

    ED's for PM

    It would be awesome if everyone could flood in the videos and screencaps to bulwark their advice! Those crit profile numbers for example, would be awesome with an explanation. Say what you are working with. Best way to convince, and more importabtly explain what the heck other players can/should do.
  8. B

    Will It Work? Barb12 Ftr4 Rog4

    I assumed my threat would be much worse off with rage. Was not planning on rage. I think the build might go bear even if rage is in the cards.
  9. B

    Will It Work? Barb12 Ftr4 Rog4

    I'm tapped out on another round of arcane pulse wiz. I really enjoy goober tank builds. My thought process here: Defensive roll 30+ dodge Good HP Barb damage reduction Lots of threat generation Questionable intim number Action point breakdown is subject to sanity check(s)! 0(16) Tabaxi, few...
  10. B

    Ki Bolt, Magic Missiles, and Ruin Make Muggle Monks Moan

    It looked that way to me. One of the fun parts of this "build" is the gear options. You can stretch to fit in more melee power or go for spell power focus. Luckily adrenaline is still functional after 66(like before, works about nine times out of ten). Do take Tilomere as the heart of knowledge...
  11. B

    The new race that's coming this year...

    I want play a gnoll pale master. A dead gnoll. Then beat it.
  12. B

    Iconic Past Life(lives) importance.

    I want to report my experience with tr frustration. I stumbled onto a few builds that were crushing epic leveling, I was grinding/running through sharn/isle at r1-3 by level 24-26. My sense of scale and expectation for build power was ruined. I hate leveling and grinding slowly now. Completely...
  13. B

    SSG: Time to reel in 18/1/1 builds

    OP is on the right path. Let the nerfs flow. Why stop at 18 1 1? Nerf pointy objects! Hide yall keedz, dey nerfin ery ting roun heuh!
  14. B

    How Many Curse Cleanser Cards have you found?

    Zero, and the system with cards makes me sad.
  15. B

    Fatesinger Warlock? Because we can +60 Spell Critical Damage?

    Can you share some of the damage numbers you are seeing?