Recent content by Lost Leader

  1. Lost Leader

    List of content with instakill mechanics or notable ways to easily die

    Couple that come to mind: Mephit optional ending in Genesis Point, falling between the bridges is instant death. The pit door trap in Haunted Halls of Eveningstar is insta kill
  2. Lost Leader

    The 8th Season of the Hardcore League begins May 17th!

    Maybe something not tied to favor? Dragon Slayer from monster manual would be a twist
  3. Lost Leader

    Hardcore Season 8 Attendance

    I'll be over there with a few friends. We have a couple guildies who only play during Hardcore League and its always fun to catch up with them. I usually try to come back on to Sarlona at least once a week for a raid night though and to touch base with the non-hard core folks
  4. Lost Leader

    Good Morning Sarlona
