Recent content by Nooobasaurus

  1. Nooobasaurus

    This week's April 4th - 11th coupon code GRTSLAYBOOST

    Is not working, I tried to claim today and it said coupon expired but it's only the 8th.
  2. Nooobasaurus

    Un-nerf two handed fighting and update power attack.

    Give two-hander the 20% extra glancing blow inbetween auto attacks that could be upgraped to 50% via enhancements. Nerfing that and adding strikethrough was overnerf. You can tell 2-hander bad now as you lose an equipment slot and you see SWF with bastard sword / dwarven axe being used with 2HF...
  3. Nooobasaurus

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    level 81 trans-kobold jungle clown here.
  4. Nooobasaurus

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    I think brain dogs got into the servers.
  5. Nooobasaurus

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    when the servers went down i moved on to doing something else, good decision, now it's bed time :-)
  6. Nooobasaurus

    DDO unavailable: Saturday March 30th

    tell us a story whilst we wait, something with bears and gold
  7. Nooobasaurus

    purchased DDO Points still not received

    The store isn't working atm. lol
  8. Nooobasaurus

    After last patch the game performance is degraded with low FPS

    Yes, this needs fixing and fast!
  9. Nooobasaurus

    After last patch the game performance is degraded with low FPS

    Yes this is taking place, I have rebooted and restarted DDO. Starts at 144fps capped to my monitor refresh. then over time it gets LOWER AND LOWER until it's not playable.
  10. Nooobasaurus

    After last patch the game performance is degraded with low FPS

    Since this: Thursday, February 29th 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern (-5 GMT) patch / update The performance of the game has suffered, especially over time. A memory leak introduced? Anyone else getting severe performance degradation after this patch?
  11. Nooobasaurus

    Skeleton Hunter Maul is flametouched iron but missing good dmg type!

    awesome, i too just got one and it's fixed now. hooray!!!!!!!!
  12. Nooobasaurus

    DDO Store Unavailable

    when the store is down does it not count earning ddo points every 100 favor?
  13. Nooobasaurus

    DDO Store Unavailable

    What is taking so long?