Recent content by Pineapple

  1. P


    Why multi box with less than 5 alts? My view is if you're multi boxing you shouldn't be posting groups unless you're warning people in the lfm
  2. P

    Shrine of Experience II?

    Interesting, that's good to know. When I was upgrading my ship I would have loved to buy some on the asah, but it's just such a tedious thing to keep an eye on.
  3. P

    Shrine of Experience II?

    I do wonder if it's to do with how the guild buffs are upgraded now, and perhaps only the base version drops. Are there other upgraded versions of guild buffs that you have seen?
  4. P

    Settle an argument

    Regarding lack of screen shots of gold piles, how often do you screenshot your loot? I don't think I've ever taken screenshots of any +8 tomes or mythic & reaper gear I've got. The only thing I would is a card of curse cleansing.
  5. P

    VIP program is going to literally cost SSG money - not a whiny quit post

    Is that a correction? From just reading that quote it sounds like to get month 13 you need to have picked up month 12. Which if you are just joining VIP you won't have done.
  6. P

    Settle an argument

    All this talk of being 'forced' to wait... Are there any quests with gold piles that have gather mechanics after the gold pile? People are free to loot these in my mind, I'm moving on to the next quest and they will catch up, same as I don't get annoyed at being 'forced' to wait for everyone...
  7. P

    U66 Monk 20

    On the gear set, I get that there is a lot that goes into tradeoffs with different items but is there any particular reason why you don't try slot perfected jidz tetka, primarily for the 10 MRR cap, and 1 additional exceptional wisdom. Not sure how much MRR you need for it to be relevant in...
  8. P

    CL/MCL in tool tip

    I can't recall when this was added but really love the changes to show CL and MCL in the tool tip for spells! Some surprising MCLs out there 👀
  9. P

    Going to give Baldur’s Gate 3 a try

    I tried bg3, even upgraded my PC to do so. Wish I could say I enjoyed it, I quickly realised turn based just isn't for me. Really wish it had been rtwp.
  10. P

    DDO Bonus Days!

    XP boost + Ottos + double points would have definitely made a lot more sales than a guild renown boost, but selfishly I had 9 sagas to turn in to level my guild so it was perfectly timed for me.
  11. P

    Curse of the Overloaded

    Server matters hugely for ASAH prices, as astral shards don't transfer between servers
  12. P

    Curse of the Overloaded

    So one thing that I think isn't clear from the patch notes, has the unintentional multi cursing been fixed (or just the intentional), or if it pops up again are my newly single cursed items going to turn into junk again? I would hate to luck out with a +6 action boost strength curse only for...
  13. P

    Curse of the Overloaded

    The devs have stated it does nothing, just stops a curse from being applied to the item. So essentially you lose whatever curses you had on there (including the first "legitimate" one) and can't put another one on without a cleanser
  14. P

    Curse of the Overloaded

    Yes, but 4k AS of that went to tax lol
  15. P

    Curse of the Overloaded

    Do you actually think people are paying $200+ USD per card or maybe those AS are the results of exploits as well... Having sold one for 12000 AS myself I don't think it's the big time exploiters who will be hurting from this, just those who jumped on the bandwagon.