Recent content by Thebento

  1. T

    Looking for a build PALLA TANK to low TRs

    Thanks for reply, i like undead tank, but i think is so hard to play... Better stay on fighter / paladin / cleric... more simple to work, good heal amp... I havent many racial, trs epics and trs class... I was using a pure fighter aasimar. base stats is: 350 prr 205 mrr 5171 HP unbuffed 116...
  2. T

    Looking for a build PALLA TANK to low TRs

    I Was using a build from EmergenciesOnly pure fighter to a first life. Now i have completionist simple (1x) And 86 R Points. I Need change to a Paladin or Multiclass... Or cleric, i dont know thats better for me now in thsi meta. I think can use to r10 quests and r1 raids. You can help me with...
  3. T

    SSG, Please Fix Your Lag-Broken Game

    The game is impossible... there is no way to open a bank, the game crashes on load, it keeps giving clean up connection... Fix these servers... I've been playing since 2009, but this year is the first time that I've honestly thought about stopping playing, because I'm more angry than having fun...
  4. T

    BUG in u60

    SPIES, PIT and VON4 same problem.
  5. T

    BUG in u60

    After today's update, when the char is on top of ducts, it is flying as if it were STUCK, it doesn't jump or anything, in some types of ducts it even works. Impossible to do THE PIT... Clip from bug
  6. T

    Lives de DDO Em PT-BR

    Ola Pessoal, estou streamando a pouco tempo DDO, mas jogo desde 2009 com vários hiatos entre as jogatinas. Nossa guild é de ORIEN. Então estou conseguindo Streamar DDO nas Quartas( Dia de RAID da Guild) Quintas, Sextas e Sábados(Dia de RAID da Guild). Normalmente começando as 20:00 até umas...