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  1. B

    What's your favourite quest?

    My Top 3 at the moment - White Plume Mountain Curse of Strahd Raid Precious Cargo (wish there was a Legendary version)
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    Ive never wiped a party due to my dps before...

    Don't waste time on this profile set to ignore and move on people. They are not worth the strokes of a keyboard. Tired of seeing the garbage this profile spews out.
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    Vertical scaling up of VM

    I guess the main question to SSG is, if there is too much code (that as stated seems to be the cause/large portion of lag) will they continue to add more hamster wheels (aka past lives as we get more levels) knowing that these are what create lag? Adding to the debate will reworks of PL...
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    New VIP Loyalty Reward Plan ... Thoughts ?

    Is this bag a joke? VIP Bag of Many Things Select one item from the bag for free: Raid Bypass Timer Ethereal Rest Shrine Statuette Flawless Siberys Dragonshard (Feat swap token) Sentient XP Gem Worth 300 Sentient XP Glamerdust x50 Mirror of Glamering Omnispell Dust x2500 Legendary...
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    Sales: April 4th -11th

    code is showing as expired
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    Barbarian 2h Weapon Selection 1-20

    Here's some suggestions for you - Level 2 - Keep on the Borderlands Level 2 Ghost Great Axe Level 4-9 Carnifex or if a less farming alternative Hellstroke Axe Level 7 - Twinchopper Level 10 - 19 Sword of Shadows if unbale to attain Borovian Great Axe Level 20 The Keep on the Borderlands Level...
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    Still No Gold Rolls...

    Lower than a limbo stick at carnival time.
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    Still No Gold Rolls...

    Then lower it again after lowering it?
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    28 hrs of 50% pot

    big spender they stack and at 32 still count for Reaper XP
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    Hey Tonquin!

    I've noticed an issue with Good Hope (not sure if spell based or simply the item) cast from the Necklace of Bottled Sunlight (level 5 version that I've currently seen it on), where as if cast on party members it continually flashes the animation above their head every 5-10 seconds until the...
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    Do reaper enhancement trees make playing in reaper easier than it should be?

    I agree that I'd be happy with no reaper trees or the XP gained simply gave you a cosmetic ribbon/pin next to your name/above or on character that changed colour/style every 10 reaper points and capped at 100. And again would love to see reaper give better chances at named loot and also...
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    What's with all the Extended Maintenance?

    Awesome news, thanks Cordovan
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    What's with all the Extended Maintenance?

    Whilst it's good to see the Devs working on the game extensively behind the scenes. I'm curious about 3 week of extended maintenance downtime, but also a little frustrated as for my timezone that's our groups Raid night and we haven't been able to all catch up and raid due to these earlier...
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    To SSG; The endgame and the mountain we climb

    This, this is the argument. Not whether the PL's matter, they are there, they exist. The question is what is considered (and not by the zergers who only play just this game or zip through content like roadrunner) a reasonable time to be able to attain all these achievements.
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    To SSG; The endgame and the mountain we climb

    I mentioned in the most recent survey they have going that I wouldn't recommend the game due to the high cost of continuing to play the game once on board and the over reliance of thought process (if you want to reach end game full build/completionist in what a modern game would class) that more...
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    Tolero: Forgotten Realms content for next 3 years please!

    Laying down a beat and spitting out facts.
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    Wilderness Only Expansion

    The way I see wilderness areas is that all they need is a few tweaks such as Pathing done for the story based scrolls/notes/journals etc, so that you start at Journal one and it then directs you to Journal 2,3,4,5 until completed. Mob density to be allowed to be scaled by the player as not...
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    Best Places to Farm +14 Stat Augments

    Temple of Elemental Evil Part 1 might be a good try many optional chests chest drops from champs in there. Ran yesterday and pulled randomly a +14 Charisma Aug
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    Stormhorns wilderness (rares, possible bug?)

    Maybe they'll give it a legendary update with fixed wilderness area and revamped loot.... A man can dream, a man can dream.
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    Account wide achievements

    That is the whole point. It's not a problem at all, it's the best solution that still requires playing all classes/races, this would just speed it up more.