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  1. S

    Does Draconic Power Attack stack with Improved Power attack?

    Stacks and doubles for thf, for a juicy +22 dmg at level... 2? Also, it does not seem to reduce to-hit bonus, viewed via weapon breakdown on inventory sheet thing... either visual bug or not WAI? Unsure.
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    Precious Cargo BUGGED!!!

    What is the goal of making sagas harder for new players? To get them to stop playing?
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    Suppress Mounts at Banks

    /not signed There are like 50 bankers, if you happen to be at the most popular one, go to a different one. Or just target without clicking. Very small problem
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    Fixer Upper- Mondays at 8 PM EST

    Hey Griglok! I have a build idea that I've been wanting to flesh out so badly, but I just can't get the pieces to line up in my head. Maybe you can provide some inspiration. The idea is to maximize the self-healing capabilities of PM vampire form and similar effects. Preferred class...
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    Possible little buffs for casters after nerfs

    Alchemists already strip immunity. I've been running r10s and raids the past few days and have seen primarily casters, usually I am the only melee dps. Lots of druids, wiz, and alch
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    What's your favourite quest?

    Strangely, I'm not a huge fan of actual DnD. This might be why my favorite quests are the Lord of Eyes chain, where the characters are so silly and everything is just a meme.
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    I think I'm going Crazy...

    We've been thinking it for some time as well, friend.
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    The Bridge Between needs to be a Tavern

    +1 on alignment change, I think it's weird that is locked to start. It is hard for me to suspend my disbelief sufficiently to say that you could use a lesser reincarnation (I think of it like a mid-life crisis where you job into a new career randomly or something) and become a different race...
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    Fixer Upper- Togwik's Monk Build

    Just curious, how do you hotkey your bar? I assume you are not using 1-10 number keys, etc.
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    One True Tank 2024

    Seems to me like there are a number of... confusing decisions made. I would change: 1. Aasimar -> Dwarf 2. Emp/Max/Intensify/Epic reflexes -> Toughness x2, epic toughness, dragonmark of warding (maybe tower shield prof too if really want) 3. Drop SD down to 41-43, pump falcrony for 5%, vanguard...
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    The Bridge Between needs to be a Tavern

    What happens if you use a alignment change book at level 1 on your ranger changing it to neutral, but then you have to take your monk levels bc you did an LR? Eternal paradox? 🤣
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    Dragonlord - Master of Tactics

    Hey Raedier! How are you finding room for Rav capstone, DL tree, and falconry? Going T5 rav? I might eTR after trying THF... SWF is my preferred style but I wanted to give the whole "big sword hit big number " thing an honest go
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    Dragonlord - Master of Tactics

    Unfortunately, adrenaline is less the problem than the other t4. Improved trip (might be a meme but its my dream too haha), +6 DS, +2 STR/CON, and a legit source of healing. If I swapped to QC instead of adren, I would still have to spend other points in FoTW in order to get the above benefits...
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    Dragonlord - Master of Tactics

    DISCLAIMER: I have not capped this build yet, so part of it is still theoretical (cannot confirm endgame numbers yet). I am currently leveling in through heroics, hoping to cap within the week. Hello reader! Dragonlord is the new hotness, but I have found a disappointly few number of build...
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    KotC T5 vs. Vanguard T5

    How do those builds usually look again? And I've been looking for a good str based dps gearset for endgame, would you mind sharing yours?
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    Bear Dragon Lord?

    Seems weird to splash fvs for Wis trance when you already have a charisma trance from DL, and Wis is basically dump stat (assuming tome + augment to hit min to cast)
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    Bear Dragon Lord?

    DL strength trance does not work with rage. Can use charisma trance though. Might be able to use str trance then rage, then dismiss rage when you want to re-trace. Idk, haven't tested yet. Sorry can't help with wolf vs bear, not a druid guy myself 😆
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    Chipmunk Livin' That R10 Life

    Can't see pic 😆
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    First Lifer Alchemist Nuker for Reaper Raids

    Wizard PL over SWF is a pretty easy one I think. Ying also discussed in his video for fixer upper that traditional alchemist tend to focus conj/trans instead of conj/Evo, so that's something to consider.