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  1. R

    Kali's Paladin Knight of the Chalice THF CHA Melee DPS build

    That's ok it at least gives me a place to start. No doubt I'll monumentally break it after the first few levels but hey sometimes we just need to experience that kinda thing so we know what doesn't work well together. EDIT: for some context I've spent 3+ hours so far researching how to setup a...
  2. R

    Kali's Paladin Knight of the Chalice THF CHA Melee DPS build

    New player here directed to this build from another post. I don't currently have the PDK unlocked, is any other race with some ++ in CHAR/WIS a good pick? I'm not too keen on the 'PDK Starts at Level 15' part myself if I did purchase it.
  3. R

    Help Understanding Build Guides

    Sorry for the late reply it was sleep time in NZ for me. So these build guides can be pretty out of date then. In terms of the thinking they teach is it wise to follow these or the pre-made classes in the game? I've given some thought to just rolling whatever I think makes sense though I do...
  4. R

    Help Understanding Build Guides

    Hi All, I'm trying to give DDO a solid try and have tried to follow a build for a fighter from the Wiki (Dwarven Footman: ). I've got stuck understanding the enhancements part of the table. I don't see any of the enhancements on any of the trees for...