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  1. L

    Legendary Sapphire of Riposte

    lvl30 riposte6 blue augment from ToEE. I've never actually seen it drop for anyone nor has anybody i asked. Can somebody confirm it does exist in game please.
  2. L

    Star Fragments

    The new legendary chronoscope is being revamped and is going to use the new upgrade system. This i like. As it stands now on lammania the legendary raid even drops heroic items FORCING you to upgrade it. [EDIT they fixed this =) ] However all the items in it count as raid items and need 5...
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    New psionic champions

    These new champions are lousy and lazy design. Every single champion is now a psionic thrall. They reduce literally every noncrit hit to 0 base dmg and reduce about 90% dmg of my crits. (i'm shooting a 270 base dmg Volley, great crossbow. I hit 3-5k on normal hits) There is no way to bypass...
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    DInobones Runearm

    Two questions: 1. Does it provide DR bypass for your main weapon when you add the silver/iron/crystal scales? 2. When using a dino weapon with EG: meltfang and also put the same in the runearm, does it stack? ty.