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  1. D

    Can we get a skinny PDK?

    All it just needs would be a girth slider or selection. Dunno how much effort it would require to provide this option for all races. That or just rework the PDK character models.
  2. D

    Vertical scaling up of VM

    Without details about how the software was programmed (i.e. architecture, implementation details) or how the backend looks like it’s all just guessing. It's just futile.
  3. D

    Do you think DDO would loose something if it was upgraded graphically?

    Personally I think the graphics are OK. Should SSG update the graphics then I will probably configure it for better and smoother gameplay (i.e. tone it down). I'm not into graphics programming but following IT press maybe you don't have to do much as the hardware is improving. They use "AI" (or...
  4. D

    Social State of the Game: In Tatters

    Since I like starting from scratch (building new toons instead of TRing) I am running out of character space (and servers with 28pt builds) rather sooner than later. I try different build ideas and eventually oscillate betwen different severs. Theres nothing wrong with switching servers and...
  5. D

    Social State of the Game: In Tatters

    I doubt there is a system level solution. The only reward should be enjoying the game and having fun playing the game. Everything else (e.g. rewards, punishment) can be gamed or might have unintended other consequences or even resulting in the opposite of what was intended. You have to keep in...
  6. D

    Make permanent Hardcore server!

    Imho the main benefit of a HC server is that it's limited in time and that it's almost a level playing field (i.e. no past lives, no geared up toons). You can't avoid having an edge due to game and build knowledge. Let's be honest. A significant portion of the player base does it for the favour...
  7. D

    List of content with instakill mechanics or notable ways to easily die

    There are 2 safe spots on the bridge. You can test it on the regular servers if you don't believe me. Either way (crossing the bridge via jumping to the safe spots or jumping and gliding to the other side left of the bridge) you need some skills with jump. I can only hope the Devs fix that...
  8. D

    Whats the Future of Hard core?

    Let's just see what happens. Announcements/ plans might change. I hope there will be a HCL but I will stick around even without. You just have to admit that regular servers are less frequented during HCL. That's not good for the planned events on the regular servers. Be it HCL or special...
  9. D

    Armors & Materials

    There was once a time where you could find various random darkleaf armors. I banked some random armour from exotic materials on my older toons (darkleaf, cold iron, flametouched iron, etc.). In the meantime the armours were overhauled. You might say consolidated. At some NPC vendors you can...
  10. D

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I like the gameplay of DDO and the fact that you can experiment with quite different builds. I regularly come back to experiment with different builds. Sometimes I do end up leveling to 20 or max level. Some times the experiment is over sooner. It's nice that DDO gets more content on a regular...
  11. D


    I'd rethink that. While I wouldn't neglect constitution I wouldn't necessarily max it on a 28 point build. The point buy costs rise. When you distribute points you can at least put 6 points into that stat, which will give you a 14 with most races, 12 with elves or 16 with dwarves or warforged...