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    Enchanted Horse Shoes only in End Chests?

    Have you ever gotten an enchanted horse in a chest other than the end chest? Trying to get some and so far my family has done the entire series on Elite 3 times so far and no horseshoes . So 3 accounts did the entire series 3 times and 0 horseshoes. Thats a total of 74 end chests opened so far...

    New Tumble is Dumb

    So the game devs can make the game worst with this new tumble but cant fix it to where the game actually remembers our graphic settings? Who ever came up with this idea to basically render tumble useless should be fired. I used to be able to jump off the cannith high platform and take 0 damage...

    How Can you Save Graphic Settings??????

    It is very annoying that every time I log on I have to redo my graphic settings. Is there something I am missing? Come on game devs if you can not easily save settings this really should be addressed.

    Illithid Invasion Dumbest event ever???

    To have an event just for people who are 32+ seems kind of stupid and a waste of time. To top it off its looking like you need a special pack to even do this event. Omyrn is red cup on my screen and I do have the sharn packet. I think the game developers could spend their time much better by...

    Night Revels Red Reaper Steed

    How fast are the steeds in the Night Revels? Anyone got screen shots? What the heck is with the price?

    Purple Dragon Knight and +3 Lesser Heart of Wood

    Can a +3 Lesser Heart of wood be used on a Purple Dragon Knight first level of fighter? I know that you can not exceed 3 classes total at anytime. On a PDK alt I have 1 level fighter which is the first level then 5 rouge and 14 cleric mixed. I want to ITR but instead of cleric I want it to be...