Search results

  1. K

    Dragonlord - Master of Tactics

    Not sure if you have tried rav 41 at cap in r10s. You have enough dmg to kill helpless mobs quickly anyways and the 6 kills per 30 secs speeds up clears. Adrenaline + BM helps spike dmg onto reapers. On my current racial life’s with wood elf I don’t even have the horc helplessness and my trash...
  2. K

    WTB Ruby of Ghostbane

    I got one thanks!
  3. K

    WTB Ruby of Ghostbane

    Apparently I failed to pick one up despite getting the mount last yr. Can trade shards or tomes.
  4. K

    Generalist Air Savant

    Yes on a Druid I take shard storm but on sorc it feels like reborn in the fire was the only option I had for topping up hp.
  5. K

    Generalist Air Savant

    Surprised you're not running reborn in fire for self heals.
  6. K

    Dragon lord - staff version

    On Cannith there isn't always a group so my bar for builds is r6 solo w/o bothering w/ a healer hireling :) I want to be able to self carry a r6 in case nobody joins.
  7. K

    Help with catgirl dragonlord/wizard stick build for a humble past life farmer

    14 DL / 4 rogue / 2 monk stick build, 20->26 go fatesinger strike + PA cocoon/shard storm + Fury Boulder. 26+ GMoF strike for aoe packs + your choice of healing tree(PA/US/etc) + DPS strike tree if you have enough points. I easily solo'd r3 20-26, and at 26 I started doing r1-r3 legendary sagas...
  8. K

    Dragon lord - staff version

    Also lawful good for Sireth.(although it's easy to get enough umd to bypass) I haven't bothered w/ a bone staff because I don't stay too long at cap and I enjoy the wider crit band anyways.
  9. K

    Dragon lord - staff version

    I don't know what your DC's are in high R but I have a diff split because I found w/ a higher rogue build I couldn't reach the DC's necessary for high R's. My staff build is 14dragonlord/4rogue/2 monk. For feats I take precision, WWA and the tactical DC fighter line, and drop power attack...
  10. K

    Lhwines end game dps/backup tank build

    Specialty can only be taken when u don’t have any feats in that line. It’s supposed to save u 2 feats. Instead of taking THF/ITHF/GTHF you can take specialty and lose 20 percent strikethrough only. This frees up 3 feat slots for other things like epic toughness, etc. You also lose out on PTHF...
  11. K

    Mitheriana, transformed to Glory

    Are the imbues from kotc worth not just going horizon walker? Do you get anything else from paladin levels? That would also give u a bit more fort bypass, and with the current state of orchid blossom I was thinking this might be a good time to revisit this build. I also thought about a more DPS...
  12. K

    Rate My Build

    Dmg wise? For single target DPS/DPA it’s still great.
  13. K

    Rate My Build

    The main choice to consider is whether you can hit workable DCs for mass frog/cc spells for the r level you want to play at, and do that instead of DI ruin. Since you didn’t take past life wizard instead of transmutation I assume not, but if you go that route I would do epic conjuration...
  14. K

    Move x number of items from TR cache to inventory or character bank

    I created a mouse macro to do the drag/double click. Otherwise I would prob have quit TR’ibg as it’s so tedious. I’m at close to max items(bank + inventory) just due to raid items.
  15. K

    Strimtom's Acid Arrow 2.0 ~ Levelling with a bow has never felt better

    How many imbue dice does the second build have at cap? What’s the self healing like in r1 during lvling/cap? I have a first life legacy ranged char that had renewal and cocoon as twists that just lost renewal with the latest ED pass so I’m finally considering TR’ing to pick up 3x ranger + 3x...
  16. K

    Come raid with The Silver Legion - Tuesday & Fridays 9pm Eastern USA time

    Was fun to 6 man LH FoM the other night. Makes me wish there’s more coordinated ‘challenge raids’ at times that’s easy for me to make.
  17. K

    Ki Bolt, Magic Missiles, and Ruin Make Muggle Monks Moan

    Saw a 14 ranger / 6 monk tank r10s with a healer. Was dodge tanking decently well. Occasionally had to slow down for dodge CDs because he was using GMoF/Vistani/Tempest. It made me think about trying SD post 66.
  18. K

    Mitheriana, transformed to Glory

    Have you tried PA mantle? Especially pre-cap? I feel like all the melee mantles are vastly out DPS by the PA mantle. I need to do some deep gnome warlock lives next so I was going to look into a staff build instead of the inquis platform since I think it clears faster. IPS felt so slow and...
  19. K

    U62 Preview 1 Weapon W Scalar Revamp

    Can somebody check what fully upgraded Sireth or some other citw weapon W is?