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  1. Osake

    Request for VIP Clarification

    From the announcement, you get your first time bonus and then at then end of the first month, you get the 500 bonus DDO points. So now I'm is the month timer handled? (is it a month's time since first bonus acquisition, monthaversary date of VIP purchase, etc.) Also, apologies...
  2. Osake

    VIP Perk Suggestions

    Super late to this thread, but the faster trapping and cosmetic bank would be pretty dang good VIP perks.
  3. Osake

    U67 Early Look: Fred's First Date

    The Emperor approves 😅
  4. Osake

    Illithid Invasion Exhaustion Table

    tower of frost is exhausted on argo
  5. Osake

    Grinding with my static, prepping for HC8 ( just to date my status :D )

    Grinding with my static, prepping for HC8 ( just to date my status :D )
  6. Osake

    Welcome Argo Players --- First!

    I'd love to do teaching and learning on various raids, but my schedule is just so random.