Auction House/Shard House QoL upgrade suggestion.


Well-known member
What I would like as an upgrade is a section on the interface of both the Auction House (AH) and the Shard House (SH) that has a list that you can click on for doing a preset search. Each time I go to check for items that I am looking for I type in "Adamantine" and hit return. The list section would be able to be customized by each person for 10-15 preset searches. I would limit it to word searches and not section also searches. The reason is that I go thru each search the same way each time I am utilizing the AH/SH. Currently I do 11 standard searches on each.
(Essentially a list where you can fill in the preset search words you use. So by clicking on 'Adamantine' it is the same as typing it into the search area and hitting return.)
The upgrade that I would like seems simple but the programing of it may be too complicated to implement.

(Still looking for that elusive Adamantine Returning Throwing Hammer with either Red/Orange or Red/Purple slots.)
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