Bank outright destroys Hireling Contracts?

Okay, I do know that even if it's not clearly stated anywhere, hireling contracts may lose time when placed in (Shared) Bank, if your character is out adventuring.

But this is the first time I see Shared Bank eating 6 minutes of time from the Gold Seal Hireling contract within ~30 seconds of re-logging. Here's what happened:
- I purchased lvl 6 Rogue Gold Seal hireling, and went into Proof is in the Poison quest.
- After finishing the quest, that contract still had 6 minutes time left.
- I put it in Shared Bank so that I could use it on my other character right away
- Logged the 1st char out, and the 2nd char in. All that took maybe 30 seconds.
- Pulled the contract into the 2nd character's inventory, and ... it just disappeared.

I don't have hireling folders on those charactes, so it for certain didn't get automatically collected there.
What is happening here? Is this a known bug too, and if yes, why on earth has this not been fixed?? After all, losing Shards/DDOpoints this way should have top priority in the bug fix list.


Well-known member
My theory is that a character tracks active questing time. It is this time that is used to count down the hireling remaining time and why the hireling can count down when it is in the bank. When you pull the hireling out of the bank it checks the character quest time from what it started at and thus may be lower than when you put it in the bank if that character continues questing. If that is the case then when you swap to a different character it uses that characters quest timers which due to differences with the original character may cause the hireling to deduce the wrong amount of remaining time.

Of course I may have this completely wrong. It would be pretty straight forward to test but I have yet to be bothered.