Barovian weapon's nerfed


Savage's Husband
So...would I swing my xbow or fire it?
You would fire it, but you could only hit mobs about five feet from you.

*nods sagely

*turns the sarcasm off

re: your comment about making the monsters harder to kill. Devs have three options, make them harder to hit, or reduce the damage they take or prevent the characters from hitting at all. All three of those have been tried, and each and every one draws complaints. If you can think of other options, please enlighten us.

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
re: your comment about making the monsters harder to kill. Devs have three options, make them harder to hit, or reduce the damage they take or prevent the characters from hitting at all. All three of those have been tried, and each and every one draws complaints. If you can think of other options, please enlighten us.
They could just...leave the game mechanics and let us gamers spend money and have fun. That is the purpose of gaming.

Its only a small percentage of gamers who have characters capable of waltzing thru legendary@R10, the rest of us have realworld responsibilties and cannot afford more than a few hours a week playing DDO


Well-known member
According to the blurb this is more prep for lvl 40 cap when it arrives, so thats the ultimate gameplan.


Well-known member
Well, I've never understood why game studios just let games die over time. Its happened in every other MMO where there's a complete stop on any advertisements or attempts at attracting new players not too long after the initial publicity.

Thats not just SSG, but I have seen it the same throughout the industry.


Well-known member
My Barovian Great Axe seems to have slightly less of a base damage. Well, that is not to bad in the scheme of things. However, I will note that my Drow Great Axe of the Weapon Master and the Drow Maul of the Weapon Master seems to have increased base damage. It would seem some weapons got nerfed and others were beefed up a bit. I haven't really checked my alts to see if any of their weapons have been nerfed.

This right here just made the Antique Great Axe more sexy. +1W yaay yah

The RL weapons getting a haircut. Sucks. For me the raid daggers are the only weapons I still use at cap.
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Well-known member
I did the math on the Barovian Greatsword. Ya'll tell me if I made any math mistakes but in terms of base damage I'm getting -

Old: 1.5[2d6] + 5 = (1.5*6) + 5 = 14 Assuming an average of 3 on each of the two d6s
New: 1[2d6] + 5 = (1*6) + 5 = 11 Assuming an average of 3 on each of the two d6s

3/14 = .2143

So that would be a 21.43% nerf on the base damage.

It will be less than a 21.43% nerf to overall damage once you add on the extra weapon effects holy, fiery and undead bane since those stayed the same and will dilute the % change effect of the base damage nerf.


Xpak's are meant to generate revue. Xpak design from game play to gear entices the consumer to purchase said expansion. To change anything from the original packaging, albeit to better the gameplay, is bad business. Electronic Bait and Switch.


Well-known member
Oh, really?! Well, say how losing 0.8W do old ToEE and raid LGS ML26 weapon stronger.
Look dude, I am going by this chart:

Old level 15 weapons used to generally be 1.5, now they are 2.0. Old level 14 weapons used to be 1.5, now they are 1.8. Level 20 weapons typically had 2.0, now they have 3.0 W. Level 18 weapons had 1.5, now they are 2.6. Level 24 weapons typically had 3.0, now they are 3.8. If I recall correctly, level 27 randgen only had 3.0. Now they are 4.4. Seeing any pattern here?

So yes, through those level ranges it is a buff to most weapons. Yes, it's a nerf to ToEE weapons and some raid weapons in those ranges. But the thread is about Barovians, and my comments are about scaling for the majority of weapons.

Besides that, I am just repeating what they said they did, not defending the changes. I even argued against them in the case of Barovians.
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aka Cybersquirt
Xpak's are meant to generate revue. Xpak design from game play to gear entices the consumer to purchase said expansion. To change anything from the original packaging, albeit to better the gameplay, is bad business. Electronic Bait and Switch.
It's funny because they supposedly rebalanced the Ravenloft (?) stuff a few years ago and broke weighting, so..

They're constantly tweaking/nerfing things. I just chalk it up to MMO (which is why I won't play another.) But not all changes are bad - the crafting revamp; that one had me fuming as I hadn't been on for 6 months... that one hurt.


Well-known member
Barovian weapons are easy to get, you get your choice of weapon, and were a nice bump on hardcore for most using loot gen weapons.
Now there is more incentive reroll chests and buy loot boost potions to get better loot gen and named weapons as you level in hardcore.
Instead of just using the Barovian weapon until 20 when you swap to a Borderlands weapon.

Titus Ovid

Mover and Shaker
Barovian weapons are easy to get, you get your choice of weapon, and were a nice bump on hardcore for most using loot gen weapons.
Now there is more incentive reroll chests and buy loot boost potions to get better loot gen and named weapons as you level in hardcore.
Instead of just using the Barovian weapon until 20 when you swap to a Borderlands weapon.
It would be a bad idea when game changes are based on hardcore, right?! Right?!

On a not so sarcatsic note:
Since this is happening to all of us, I don't mind these kind of changes. But I do mourn the loss of yet another set of iconic items like some bows a few updates ago. Very sad.

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Well-known member
It would be a bad idea when game changes are based on hardcore, right?! Right?!

On a not so sarcatsic note:
Since this is happening to all of us, I don't mind these kind of changes. But I do mourn the loss of yet another set of iconic items like bows a few updates ago. Very sad.

But how does +W damage and attacks % affect casters in anyway?

I mean AoEs rule the whole levelling process. Melees were OK levelling, bow and throwers are absolutely miserable. But I know lets nerf low level underperforming playstyles. Meanwhile AoE casters continue to trivialize the level process. It just seems that SSG wants us to play a certain way and then respec to what we actually want to play at end game.

Titus Ovid

Mover and Shaker
But how does +W damage and attacks % affect casters in anyway?
I didn't say it did.
I mean AoEs rule the whole levelling process. Melees were OK levelling, bow and throwers are absolutely miserable. But I know lets nerf low level underperforming playstyles. Meanwhile AoE casters continue to trivialize the level process. It just seems that SSG wants us to play a certain way and then respec to what we actually want to play at end game.
And yes, it does feel that way. I think it is a step by step program. SSG will arrive at OP casters, as well. They haven't just reached the full circle yet.


Tesrali (sam-u-r-eye)

Well-known member
New raid comes out.

Players: "These new weapons suck!"

SSG: "We will make them better!" (Nerfs existing raid weapons)

Players: "These new weapons are awesome! Take my money!"

Circle of life.

No one likes the new gear and instead of creating interesting gear we just nerf the old gear. New gear doesn't have new effects and is just a recycling of old stuff. No wonder people aren't excited.

The loot template changes after Haunted Halls was a step in the wrong direction, and now we're at the end of that road. Gear has no identity. There are a set of effects and that's all we get.

Path of Exile has a big shake-up to affects about twice a year. If we could get a fraction of their affects every year that would be enough.
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Well-known member
According to the Lamania notes weapon damage is supposed to be lowered at lower levels then scale up better at the highest levels to make them better at endgame. But who knows if thats actually the truth. The devs just keep playing with this "balancing" act of theirs and most of the time the only thing they accomplish is to upset the player base. This has been going on for way too long.

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
Ok so after a couple of quests the final outcome seems to be the same thus I'll need to play more quests to determine any tangible -ve final outcomes HOWEVER this doesn't detract from the fact the devs shouldn't be wasting time re-engineeering stuff that already works