Bring on the Psionic Thrall Reapers


Well-known member
Carnage Reapers immune to mass hold and color spray teleporting on top of you
Vengeance Reapers that buff mobs if you kill them or not
Doom Reapers which both debuff you counting down to your doom, as well as buff themselves to be nightmares on Elm Street.
Despair reapers buffing nearby mobs saves AND defenses

Activate a 50% xp bonus for those pushed below R1 zerg leveling.

Who's with me?
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Well-known member
Well, no point in doing things in half-measures here:

Vision Reapers that instakill you just for looking at them
Loot Reapers that take all your stuff on a successful hit
Hi Jeets Reapers that instadrain you back to level 1 and teleport you to a familiar shipwreck on a successful hit
Punchbowl Reapers that reduce all your potions to 1/100th efficacy

New Reaper versions: clearing out the player base one idea at a time.


Well-known member
Severlin reaper: Reduce your DDO points by 100 per second when the reaper looks at you. When a player kills this reaper, DDO points is reduced by 500.

The Narc

Well-known member
Lol BAN reapers, any form of critical communication used around them bans your account for 24 hours.


Well-known member
The "Wife" Reaper

Agro's to you the moment you so much as think about playing DDO. On-Hit: Sucks the life out of everything you care about instantly.

The "Mother-Law" Reaper

She comes over often for a "short" week long visits. Always trying to be helpful, but its really just a ploy for a grand sneak-attack. On-Hit: Automatic critical, uses snide comments about your gaming habits to debuff you, while simultaneously spawning wife to attack.
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Purgation reapers, you're doomed to wander the streets of the marketplace dead and unable to communicate until a friendly cleric revives you out of the kindness of their heart.