Build request: Tiefling sun cleric


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a first life f2p (28, no faydark or falconry) Tiefling sun cleric spellcaster.
I tried to make one based it on a strimtom drow sun cleric build from 2 years ago, but things have changed so i wanted to see someones else's attempt.
I decided on chaotic tiefling to boost fire firepower, high charisma for turn undead and because it is cool.
My plan is to use sun cleric and divine disciple tree's slas and fire spells (and a bit of healing i guess), meaning both light and fire are important, maybe light just a bit more.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I know clerics usually go with heavy armor and shield, cause divine spells don't care about spell failure. Scorch from tiefling tree does?
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