Dear Devs, can we please have a more in-depth raid?


Well-known member
I think raids could be more in depth, for length, mechanics, and challenge.

We've been provided a pretty big mix of styles so far, however many boil down to single room encounters with a couple of mechanics, or mostly single/few player interactivity.

I believe we'd appreciate something a bit more involved to get our teeth into, more complex with hidden/secret mechanics, over just a fat bag of hit points in a room. I'd much rather DDO's version of Kings Fall from Destiny, instead of another 5 minute beatdown of a reskinned Rudus.

Pulling mechanics from the new challenge quests, the split planes ala deathwyrm/mirror, multiple bosses ala PN, secrets ala Skellies (but maybe not just /say commands), optional paths, death timers only in boss rooms, & so forth.

I'd recommend that it be balanced so that a reasonable group should be able to get a partial completion (eg, finish raid but not all opts & loot/crafting), on LN, and that only a dedicated raid team like the good people at Lava Divers can get close to completing on r1.

When you revamp Devils of Shavarath, a rebuilt and brand new ToD could be a good showcase of what higher levels may mean for players, and therefore a much higher challenge than what we currently have, as well as what the team at SSG can do.

(Personal request - please redo DoS as a full properly done xpac and I'll throw money at you)
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