Do you think DDO would loose something if it was upgraded graphically?

DDO Gaming

Well-known member
// do you think DDO would loose something if it was upgraded graphically? //

money. there needs to be cost justification for such a resource intensive project.


Well-known member
This is a psychology question and i think we have seen the results happen.

RuneScape graphic updates,
Magic the gathering cardborders,

Any big changes in anything really.

People are incredibly emotionally attached to DDO the way it is. And people do not like change in general let alone change in their favorite thing.

There will be a massive outcry, a bunch of people will leave but most of them come back. Then everyone accepts it as the new norm. In a couple years people will begrudgingly agree it probably was a good change.

In any case, never gonna happen. We can only hope someone makes a new d&d game that is like DDO.


Well-known member
The current engine is capable of improved graphics. Barovia and Eveningstar look great. I think sometimes these discussions of "improved graphics" are really just design choices. Take a medium shot of a wall from DDO and (Elden Ring, Elder Scrolls) and guess what? It is still a wall. It looks like a wall. Does it look like my favorite wall, no. But it is recognizable. I find some of the armors to be laughable, but some look great so they can do it with what they have. Just need good artists.

The Narc

Well-known member
I would prefer if the just made a DDO II, spend resources towards that rewrite the code to handle all things that exist in game with better graphics

The Narc

Well-known member
I think DDO II would be great! With the caveat that you would be able to do a character transfer to it...
No that is where most of the revenue would come from, the whales and end gamers would be happy to pay for the power all over again. Note i use the word happy loosely, they would be upset that they had to do it all over again but they would be happy once they had the full powered toons again.

Its a win win for everyone.

Better game, less lag, better graphics!!

Lets do it.