Dragon Lord aura visual glitch?


Well-known member
Is this white square under Dragon Lord normal: https://ibb.co/YWyMdV7
After last update, I see people running like this.
I first thought it is some visual glitch on my side, but I play with friend and she confirmed that it looks the same on her side.
It appears also in character creation.
Sometimes we see Dragon Lords with green circle like in official screenshots: https://assets-cdn.daybreakgames.com/uploads/dcsclient/000/000/282/181.jpg
Restart does not change anything.
No other visual glitches, all spell effects and other things look normal.
I see no other posts about this on forum.
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Well-known member
No, white square isn't normal as far as I know. Should be a smaller circle, that gets bigger (like on the screenshots) when you fully upgrade it with enhancements. Maybe there is a graphics setting that makes it a square?
They should give it like a 25% transparency or something so it's less visually there. And the first smaller circle is pretty fine.


Well-known member
Circles from official screenshots look nice and they could just get bigger or get more signs within it after upgrades.
That white square looks, well, like unfinished graphics with no texture or glitch that did not render right or temporary placeholder to me.
I can not imagine party of 6 Dragon Lords in such flashy combat.
Probably I am the only one who see it strange and poorly made when compared to other visuals in this game.
Transparency and circle shape would do the trick if concept from screenshots can not be used for some reason.
Thanks for surprising confirmation.

Edit: Ok, so probably glitch.
We both see it on the same characters running in public, but few others seem to have correct green circles.
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Well-known member
I currently do not have free character slot, but I asked friend to make screenshot in character creation and this is exactly the same what I saw in public areas.
Here is better preview of how it looks (but some Dragon Lords with green circle display correctly): https://ibb.co/9ghzr6h